Nailpak nail polish is a product sold by Duality Cosmetics. Entrepreneur and mother of six girls, Barbara Lampugnale brings her patented NailPak nail polish , an all-in-one manicure system, complete with polish, pads, remover and file to the Shark Tank in hopes of expanding what appears to be a vibrant online business. My girls love this idea, especially since everything fits in a small package which is good for a purse or travel.
Buy NailPak Nail Polish Here
Barbara Lampugnale started her first business, “Barbara’s Interiors,” in Texas in 1994. When the family decided to move back east, she left it behind and went to work in the cosmetics industry. The idea for NailPak nail polish came to her when she was pregnant with her twin girls.
The only time I have used nail polish is to repair a cracked toenail. As a father of 4 girls, I am knee deep in nail polish anytime I go rummaging in the bathroom cabinets (I can only imagine what the Lampugnale bathroom looks like- Mr. Lampugnale must be a saint). This is a product that has “girl appeal,” and that can translate into BIG BUCKS. Women use and buy A LOT of nail polish. One daughter alone has several dozen different colors- she thinks NailPak would be great for travel or using on the go (I think that’s what Mrs. Lampugnale had in mind).
While nail polish is nothing new, this packaging is. I can see the whole “licensing discussion” coming into play. Some of the Sharks will want to license the packaging to major cosmetics manufacturers. I don’t think Barbara Lampugnale will go for that. This product has Lori Greiner written all over it. It would sell well on TV since a demonstration of the product would do a lot of the selling and the Queen of QVC is just the lady to get NailPak out to the masses.
I am not sure if any other Sharks would be interested unless licensing comes into play. I will bet Lori Greiner gets NailPak on TV and it sells well.
View a video demonstration:

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
nail polis is a good idea but for woman only what about men
I used it for a split toenail! If women buy it, they don’t need to sell to men.
I would totally buy this! I’m always on the go and this is perfect for my suitcase!! I can’t wait until I can buy it! Great idea! This will be a big hit!
The only thing I wonder about, which was not mentioned on the show is how many pre-remover pads come in this pack and are their refills for it?
I am a spa manager and am interested in retailing your product. How do I get the wholesale product?
Jan Hirlinger
Tonics Spa & Salon
Cincinnati Sports Club
513-527-4000 ext 622
This comment is regards to Nail Pak, I am wondering if anyone other than myself realizes that in the Nail Pak is probably 4 or 5 nail pads for polish, and a very small round nail file. There is no way that this would be a product that would ever be suitable for use in a salon! The simple fact is, that the few polish pads enclosed would only be able to be used on one maybe two individuals. not to mention that the nail file, would also not be suitable, hence the only thing that would feasibly possibly be able to be used would be the Nail Polish alone. Even for an individual, if this product is purchased they are only getting just a few nail pads, and a nail file for whatever amount. I think this is a product that at first sight looks like a great idea, however when the concept is carefully thought out with the number of nail pads and a small nail file, anyone buying this product is basicly going to have to use additional pads to remove nail polish, and other nail files, and will be left only with the nail polish as a viable purchase!
MARY RICHARDS-You have made good points, but I believe it is great for an individual, a brilliant idea, and You didn’t have to be such a downer about it. Pretty sure you’re just jealous you didn’t think of the idea.
Downer? I predicted they’d get funded and be on QVC this morning….
I totally agree with you. When I saw this demonstrated on the Shark Tank I immediately said to my husband that I use a lot more remover than a little pad or two – which makes this product pretty useless for my needs. It probably will sell, but more for the novelty and probably more for little girls instead of women.
It comes with 40 pads.
I honestly would not buy this product …Id basically be paying $14 for a bottle of polish..the pads seem too small (especially if your trying to take off red polish) and it appears that you would only have enough for one maybe two time use. If Im traveling.. Ill just stop and get a pedicure for a few $ more that will last me 1 week. Ill stick with my opi for $9. On the show she presented it as to throw away all these items to save money and its more compact?? ..youll still need the file, the buffer, clippers, the lotion, what about top coat? What a gimmick
Hope it works out for you
I agree with Mary Richards and Elena.
Not to be a downer but I just watched this show and cannot understand why someone would pay $15 for a bottle of nail polish. And a shark bought into this stupid idea? I know there are pads but like others mentioned, pft……….you need a lot of those little pads to change a set of fingers/toes and if the polish is RED, EVEN MORE. I can buy OPI for 6 bucks, a whole bottle of remover for a buck. Seriously???? I put all polish, removers, file, clippers in one container in one container and if I travel, I put it in a bag. I just don’t get it.
My first impression when I saw this women and she “teared up” that she sold her engagement ring? oh boo hoo…….sympathy BS. Really….how much did you get for that ring and what did it do for you? I would never sell my ring. Honestly, how much can it be worth? And this family does not look like they are in distress.
So I immediately did not like her. I am just still dumbfounded that shark bought into this.
Oh yeah, shark special, 30 dollars and free shippping…….still 15 a bottle x 2. give me a break.
As a frequent traveler for work and for pleasure, and living in a major US-city without a car, I think this is a great idea. I’m a couponer, so I’m not inclined to purchase cosmetics unless they are free with my coupons/store deals, but I’m purchasing this because it’s such a great idea. Yes, I can put all of those items into my suitcase, but I like to travel as super-light as possible because of the ease it affords with airport security, especially with liquids. I think the free shipping is a great offer (I started selling things on ebay to help pay the bills and shipping isn’t cheap) as you can’t go to CVS to pick one up. I would suggest those not understanding the product to visit the website as it states that it comes with 40 nail polish remover pads, etc.
I also keep a set of items at my office because I believe that it looks very unprofessional to have a chipped or peeling nail, and that if you’re wearing nail polish it is appropriate to touch-up when needed. This will afford me the ability not to stock multiple bottles of nail polish remover, etc, in my small desk drawer.
As for the car part, not having one means that you have to carry everything with you for an entire day from the
moment you get out of the house. If you’re going someplace after work, you need to carry that outfit, shoes, etc, with you. If you intend to stop at the grocery store you need to take with you your coupons, reusable bags (my city charges a 5-cent tax on bags), etc. etc. It’s impractical to carry all of the nail-maintenance items if you need them; this product does the trick.
It does not matter how much the engagement ring cost; it was worth a lot to this woman, perhaps emotionally, as a symbol of her engagement and marriage, as a gift given to her by her husband whom is apparently very supportive of his wife by committing to this nail polish endeavor. I do not think she was trying to gain sympathy, but to offer her story and of their struggle. By sharing her story the audience is better to able to empathize with her situation. Many of us have been there (I started couponing/ebaying at a point in my life when I was unemployed during this recession) and it doesn’t matter what people “look” like, they are still humans and I choose to try to be humane as you can’t judge a book by it’s cover; it’s shameful to be judgmental.
I love the Nailpak idea. I would buy the product. I also think Laurie is brilliant and understands what will and will not sell…
Lori told me she knows instantly whether a product is a “hero or zero.” She has good instincts and she trusts them 100%.
Love the nail pack!!!!!!
I would not buy this product. Too expensive.
Hi Rob
Thank you for including us on your site and for allowing people to express their opinions freely. I have been amazed with the support we have received for our initial product as well as the outcrying of support I have received personally. So many people have openly shared their struggles and triumphs with me and I find that inspiring as well as humbling. ST spends hours and hours taping and they edit that down to 30 seconds in which they “package” our story . Thank you to those who understand that there is so much more and chose not to judge whereas we as individuals have no control over content . With that said thanks to Katia who understands the value we are trying to to Provide in terms of convenience. We still have much to learn and continue to try to improve things as we go along.
Lori and Shark Tank have been amazing, we have seen great success on QVC as well as our own website and have many exciting things happening! This experience has truly changed the direction of my family’s life. I have no regrets, could not be more grateful and am more thankful each and every day for the love and support of my family , friends and the kindness of strangers!
We aim to be democratic with comments here. As long as there is no “hateful” stuff expressed, I approve it. Opinions are important, but the real opinions that matter are the ones that show up as ORDERS!
On the site:
it says there are 40-pre soaked pads. So yes, I’d say the price is a great deal for this product.