Aaron Marino didn’t get a deal for Alpha M Style System back in season four, but after that, he began developing Pete and Pedro Bueno Hair – hair care and grooming products for men. Marino is a men’s fashion guru who pitched a “system” that taught men how to dress and groom like a fashionista. Unfortunately, despite his tips about “manscaping” for Mr. Wonderful, the Sharks weren’t biting that night. Potential customers didn’t bite either, Marino publicly bemoaned the lack of a “Shark Tank Effect” on his business: the appearance netted him exactly one sale.
He claims he was depressed for a short time over the underwhelming response, but in a week or so, he was back in the saddle making his quirky, irreverent, and humorous men’s fashion tips videos on Youtube. His Youtube popularity rose to its current level of over 1.3 million subscribers, so he had to have something to offer; what he didn’t have was a tangible product he could brand.
About a year after his initial appearance, he developed a line of men’s hair care and grooming products called Pete and Pedro Bueno hair. Branded by a story about a boy and his donkey – both possessing “bueno hair,” he created the line with his hair stylist and friend Stephen Posta who owns a posh uni-sex hair salon in the greater Atlanta area. Finally, Marino had a product to go with his fashion guru persona. Aaron hopes his big personality and his quality products win the Sharks over in the season 7 finale.
My Take on “Bueno Hair”
Aaron’s pomades, putties, creams, and styling gels do nothing for me. Mr. Wonderful and I share the same hair style, so I am not a customer. Back in the eighties, when “big hair” was a thing, I was known to use a bit of styling gel to get the proper “look.” I have destroyed all photographs of myself from that era. Mercifully, the internet didn’t exist, so there’s no evidence.
I see guys all the time at the beach, the pier and the bars that have spiked hair, reverse DA’s, and all sorts of styling product enhanced hair, so I know somebody buys this stuff! Me, I just rub a little Nardo’s Naturals lotion on my noggin to keep it supple and moisturized in the Florida sun. As a guy more concerned with scalp skin care than stylish spikes, I’m afraid I’m out.
Do Sharks think this is a Bueno Investment?
One thing is certain, this will be an entertaining segment. One of the selling point benefits on the Bueno Hair website says his products don’t smell like “donkey balls.” With Marino’s humor and personality and the inevitable “I know hair” comments from Mr. Wonderful, the laughs might outnumber the actual business talk. That said, guys do buy stuff to put in their hair and Marino has the audience, so he ought to have decent sales through viral marketing efforts. If he doesn’t, the laughs will be short-lived.
As long as there are decent numbers, I think Marino will do a deal. He wanted to benefit from the Shark Tank effect so badly last time, I almost believe he made this product to get back on the show. If it’s quality stuff and the Sharks show interest, I think he’ll take any reasonable offer – possibly an unreasonable one too!

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob Merlino.com and more.
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