It’s almost time for new Shark Tank Episodes and this season 9 preview has all the info a Shark Tank fan needs to get the season off to a great start! The biggest change in season 9 is the show airs on Sunday nights at 9 PM eastern – quite a change from the Friday […]
Wine & Design – Art Studios for Regular People
Patrick and Harriet Mills want a Shark as a partner for Wine & Design, their paint it yourself art studio franchise concept. Since they opened their first shop in 2010, they’ve quickly grown to 76 franchises nationwide. They look to get to over one hundred in 2017. The concept is simple. Show up at one […]
Rocket Book Cloud Notebooks
Jake Epstein and Joe LeMay bring the common spiral-bound notebook to the cloud when they pitch Rocket Book. their line of high-tech notebooks, in the season 8 Shark Tank finale. Simply put, a Rocketbook lets you write in a notebook with a real pen, then upload everything in the notebook into a document management program […]
Laid Hair Products with Pheromones
Adam Rauch and Derek Shaw pitch their pheromone infused hair products, called Laid Brand, to the Sharks in the season eight finale. They created the brand to allow women to feel good while looking good. Using their “Pherottraction Technology,” they think they can help women have a more positive emotional reaction to their newly styled […]
The Bridal Buddy Sets Brides Free
Heather Stenlake found a way to set brides free on their wedding day when she created the Bridal Buddy. Wedding dresses are often ornate and extravagant and when nature calls, it’s tough for brides to go it alone. In her product video, she depicts a bride, along with a whole team of bridesmaids in tow, […]
Belt Buckle Wallet by Wallet Buckles
Entrepreneurial brothers Trevor and Justin Johnston show the Sharks their Wallet Buckles, a belt buckle that doubles as a wallet, in episode 824. The guys like going to concerts and out on the town, but they didn’t like lugging around a wallet to carry cash, ID and credit cards. They figured putting everything in a belt […]
Thompson Tees Are No Sweat
Billy Thompson and Randy Choi created Thompson Tees because they suffer from hyperhidrosis or excessive underarm sweating. Both men were always buying new shirts because they got stained so quickly. Choi even had surgery to try to correct the problem. Nothing worked for them, so they spent several years developing their patented “Hydro-Shield sweat proof technology” to make […]
Rumi Spices – Saffron from Afghanistan
Rumi Spices co-founders Emily Miller, Kim Jung, and Keith Alaniz are all combat veterans who did tours in Afghanistan. During their time there, they realized they wanted to do something to help the people find economic prosperity. The vehicle for that prosperity is saffron, an expensive spice that grows well in the Afghan climate. Saffron […]
The Scooping Bowl
Tyler Peoples shows the Sharks his Scooping Bowl invention in episode 824. It’s a bowl with a hinged, built-in spatula and it has multiple uses. The spatula clears out batter quicker and more efficiently than the traditional way and the hinged design allows it to work as a “double bowl,” colander, and egg separator. Peoples […]
Loc Tote – Secure Travel Bags
Don Halpern got the idea for Loc Tote while swimming in St. Croix on a family vacation. He was 50 yards from shore and watched as a thief emptied his bag of his wallet. While the event put a cramp in his vacation, it began the journey to creating his new company which makes backpack-like […]
SeeRescue Streamer Saves Lives
Dr. Robert Yonover created the SeeRescue Streamer for one reason: to save lives. If he makes a few bucks along the way too, that’s OK. Basically, the SeeRescue Streamer allows a stranded hiker or boater to be seen by aerial searchers. It’s a 25 foot long oranges streamer that says “here I am!” Yonover is an […]
Goverre – The Wine Sippy Cup
Regan Kelaher and Shannon Zappala like wine so much they created Goverre, a portable wine sippy cup wine aficionados can take with them on outdoor adventures. The two southern California women have solid business backgrounds and they like their wine. When they couldn’t find a quality glass “to-go’ vessel for wine, they invented one. Goverre […]
Booty Queen Amanda Kuclo Pitches in the Tank
Amanda Kuclo was the Booty Queen before she met her husband Steve. She married him in 2015 and they embarked on building a business together. Amanda is a well-known fitness competitor who is famous for celebrating her bounteous booty (amongst other things). She has thighs and a butt that would put most women to shame. It’s […]
Validate Everything with Validated
If you ever had someone validate your parking ticket for the parking garage, you’ll understand what the folks at Validated are trying to do. The Validated app lets shoppers at participating merchants accumulate a certain number of points for each dollar spent. Those points can be used to pay for parking at participating lots or […]
Guardian – The Safest Bikes in the World
When Brian Riley and Kyle Jansen launched Guardian Bikes in 2015, they had a lot of experience with the bicycle marketplace. Mr. Riley owns Surestop, a bike brake manufacturer that licenses its brake technology to major manufacturers like Schwinn. Surestop brakes insure that pressure to both the front and back hand brakes is applied evenly […]
GuardLlama – Personal Security Device
Joseph Parisi invented GuardLlama after a young woman on his college campus was murdered. He realized that, while she probably had a phone with her, she didn’t have the time to use it. When someone is in danger, seconds count. People won’t have time to get out their phone and call 911. GuardLlama solves the […]
Flag Photo App – Free Printed Photos
Savannah Cowley and Samuel Agboola appear in the Tank seeking an investment in their Flag Photo App, an app designed to print high quality photos for customers for free. The reason they’re free is there are ads on the back of each photo. Say you took a nice family photo on your smart phone and […]
Under the Weather Pods -The Chair Tent
Rick Pescovitz created Under the Weather Pods, his chair tent for outdoor sport spectators, after freezing his butt off at his son’s early morning soccer game. That very night, he designed the first prototype. Like the picture above shows, it’s a soccer mom (or dad) chair with a little tent around it. Multiple pods connect […]
Seed Sheet Pre Made Gardens
Cam MacKugler invented Seed Sheet to make gardening easy. While living on a friend’s farm, he loved the fresh produce, but not the complexities of managing a garden. When he envisioned Seed Sheet, he drew the prototype with a crayon. That was in 2012. In 2015, he got the business started when he raised over […]
Green Chopsticks by Cropsticks
Mylen Yamamoto re-invented chopsticks while flying to Asia and now she wants her company, Cropmade, to be the new, “green standard” for Asian cuisine. Cropsticks are the first product her company produces. They are chopsticks made from sustainably harvested bamboo that come complete with a detachable holder. Once used, they can be composted or “upcycled” […]
Cat Wine by Apollo Peak
Former pet industry salesman Brandon Zavala created cat wine so he could share social moments with his cat, Apollo. Brandon loves his cat and his wine, so he created a whole line of different flavored cat wines (and dog wines too) so he could sip and relax with his feline friend. He named the business, Apollo Peak, as […]
Product Review: Ipari Prio by XeroShoes
Stephen Sashen is at it again: XeroShoes just came out with the Ipari Prio, their running/training SNEAKER that utilizes the XeroShoes mantra of “feel the world.” XeroShoes started as a little kit that let people create their own barefoot running sandals. They pitched the business in Shark Tank season four and, despite leaving without a […]
Meal Enders Appetite Suppressant
Mark Bernstein began the quest to create Meal Enders, his appetite suppressant lozenges, when his doctor suggested he lose weight. Bernstein was the type of guy who, when presented with a plate of cookies, wouldn’t take one – he’d take six. He was a chronic over-eater. Now, he uses his Meal Enders to control his […]
Rare Form – Sustainable Recycled Backpacks and Bags
Aric and Alec Avedissian are the latest repurposed bag company to appear in the Shark Tank when they pitch Rare Form, their business that makes all kinds of bags from recycled billboard vinyl. Alec discovered surfboard bags made from the vinyl while surfing in Central America in 2012. When he returned to the states, he […]
Blendtique Wine – Custom Made Wines
All the press about episode 819 says the Sharks get a bit tipsy making wine with entrepreneur Billy Dim’s Blendtique Wine. Dim is a master sommelier who sells custom wine. When you go to the Blendtique Wine website, you choose different wines to blend together and design your own label. It truly is custom wine. As […]