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Rob Merlino: Blogger, Writer, Entrepreneur & Foodie

Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including The Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories and more.

The Style Club – Celebrity Fashion for Teens

Hillary Novelle Hahn knew about style long before she started The Style Club. She was a singer, fashion commentator, and social media influencer. When she started her business in 2014, she aimed straight at the market she understood best: teen girls. Now she wants a Shark to help her expand – she’ll pitch the panel […]

Send a Potato to a Friend (or enemy)

Riad Bekhit and Alex Craig pitch a service, called Potato Parcel, that might be the silliest business ever on Shark Tank. The business is this: for ten bucks, anyone can send anyone else a potato with a message written on it. It can be anonymous or not. For a few extra bucks, he can print […]

Sun Screenr Suntan Lotion Detector

Dave Cohen, inventor of Sun Screenr, knows what it’s like to mis-apply sun screen. He was inspired to create the product when people close to him were battling skin cancer. The only way to prevent over exposure to the sun and increased risk of skin cancer is to cover up and wear sun screen. Too often, […]

Un Pack Travel Suitcase Delivery with a Twist

Aaron Liskov and Andrew Zahornacky traveled so much for business, they never had time to unpack, that’s why they created Un Pack. It’s a service that delivers a fully packed suitcase to your travel destination. They have winter coats, hats and gloves for folks traveling to chilly destinations that don’t want to pack bulky items. […]

Lulu Bang Sauce

For Ashley, Kelly, and Jorrae Beard, their Lulu Bang sauce is truly a family affair. They learned to cook, and make their various sauces, from family matriarch Joyce Beard. They even ran a restaurant in Philadelphia, Joyce’s Soulful Cuisine, named after her. Lulu Bang Sauce is named after their brother, Michael Anthony “Lulu Bang” Beard. […]

#Merica Shirts by Sandilake Clothing

Melissa Lay shouldn’t be afraid of the Sharks when she pitches Sandilake Clothing in Shark Tank episode 806. She has a classic David versus Goliath story that makes the Sharks look like guppies. In early 2015, she was selling shirts with the word #Merica emblazoned over an American flag. She sold the shirt on her website […]

Sili Dog Glow in the Dark Dog Tags

Sili Dog creator Mikey Lickstein is a dog lover and entrepreneur. After getting a Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship at the University of Florida, he decided to create a business that revolved around his love for our canine companions. After a horrific incident when his friend witnessed and rescued a dog thrown from a moving car, Lickstein […]

Microwave Grabber and more – Safe Grabs

Safe Grabs inventor Cyndi Lee was always burning her fingers on hot dishes coming out of the microwave. This life-long affliction ultimately led her to invent SafeGrabs (formerly Micro Easy Grab), an 8-in-1 tool for dishes and bowls. Its primary function is safely grabbing hot plates out of the microwave, but it also acts as […]

Parker’s Maple Syrup

Joshua Parker, Creator of Parker’s Maple Syrup, is a study in slow growth for a business. Back in 2009, Josh learned how to make real maple syrup on a school field trip. He set out to build his own sugar shack, which at first was little more than a tarp. A few years later, he […]

Sole Mates for High Heels

Monica Ferguson and Becca Brown, the founders of Sole Mates, know a thing or two about business. They both have MBA’s from Colombia and they’re both former Goldman Sachs executives. They decided to leave the corporate world and start a business in 2009, when they founded Sole Mates. Both women express a passion for shoes. […]

Biem Butter Sprayer

Before inventing the Biem butter sprayer, entrepreneur Doug Foreman founded the Guiltless Gourmet and Beanitos brand snacks. He knows a thing or two about business, but running a consumer snack food company and a kitchen appliance company are two different things. That’s why he’s coming to the Shark Tank in episode 803: to get some help […]

Whetstone Chocolate Factory – Atlantic Candy

The Atlantic Candy Company is an old, established family business in St. Augustine, Florida. The business is Whetstone Chocolate and it was established by candy industry pioneer Hank Whetstone Jr. Mr. Whetstone holds many patents for candy making machines and produced candy for virtually every major brand at the factory over the years. Hank’s son, Jared, is in […]

Ipari Hana by XeroShoes Review

The picture above is of my Amuri Z-Trek Sandals and my BRAND NEW Ipari Hana Shoes – both from XeroShoes. XeroShoes jumped in the Tank in season four (the company was called Invisible Shoes then) and left without a deal, but they’ve been cranking out innovative new footwear since. As I said back in season four, […]

Angels and Tomboys by Madison and Mallory

Madison and Mallory Boyd want the world to know that “all girls are created equally different” when they pitch Angels and Tomboys to the Sharks in episode 803. The two sisters liked to get mischievous and play with their mom’s perfume. They found out mom’s perfume was “too flowery, too expensive and way too strong,” so they […]

Famous Amos has a New Cookie – Cookie Kahuna

If you don’t know Famous Amos cookies, then you probably don’t eat cookies! These cookies have been around since the 1970’s and, for a long time, Wally “Famous” Amos was the face of the company. Wally has a new cookie cooking down in Hawaii called The Cookie Kahuna and he hopes to regain some of […]

Night Runner 270 – Sneaker Headlights

If you run (or walk) at night, you may want to check out Night Runner 270. Renata and Doug Storer raised over $42,000 on Kickstarter to get their business off the ground in the Spring of 2015. Night Runner 270 is headlights for your sneakers. They are a low glare, rechargeable, LED light that “mounts” on […]

Raising Wild Swim Suits

Kara Haught and Shelly Hyde, the two sisters who created Raising Wild Swim Suits, grew up in Florida. That means they practically lived in their swim suits while growing up. Florida is a place to get out on the water and Floridians do just that – constantly. Kara and Shelley are no exception. The thing […]

Tek Dry – Cell Phone Rescue Device

Tek Dry is the machine for everyone who ever dropped their phone into the toilet. Chances are, you know somebody who inadvertently got their smart phone wet – whether it’s a toilet drop, a dip in the pool, or some other accident. It might’ve even happened to you. The standard response is to immediately put […]

Ice Age Meals Review

I was getting ready to go shopping when I was writing up my post on Ice Age Meals and I decided I’d order some and do an Ice Age Meals review. They came in just two days and I ordered 14 meals to get free shipping. I ordered Thai Meatball Curry, Butternut Squash Lasagna, Tri-Tip […]

Interview with Inventors of The Fish Call

I spoke with Jeff and Jack Danos, inventors of The Fish Call, about their upcoming appearance in Shark Tank episode 802 on Friday, September 30. Jeff and Jack are a father/son team who likes to fish; now they are full-fledged entrepreneurs. As an avid fisherman myself, I was a bit excited for them and for […]

Catch More Fish with the Fish Call by Tactibite

Jeff and Jack Danos, creators of the Fish Call, are a father and son team with a lot of savvy and fishing knowledge. They blew up their Kickstarter campaign, getting over 11 times their funding goal of $10,000 to fund their first production run. Their unlikely product – essentially a bobber that emits fish attracting […]

Lapel Project turns Suits into Tuxedos

Lapel Project creator Sebastian Garcia is no stranger to the fashion industry. He’s co-owner of  Sartori Amici, an upscale Miami clothier that sells fine Italian suits. He also owns The Grooms Room, a service that outfits the groom and his groomsmen on wedding day. It’s safe to say, Garcia knows the fashion industry. He’ll need […]

Frozen Meals with a Paleo Twist – Ice Age Meals

Culinary Ninja Nick Massie first started experimenting with frozen meals to create a healthy, athlete friendly, and convenient alternative to the standard frozen meals one usually finds in the grocery store. The approach he takes – making meals in small batches and testing the “freezability” before going into production led to a product that is […]

Good Hang Ups – Wall Hanging System

A four-year-old with a penchant for creating works of art led Leslie Pierson to create Good Hang Ups, a system that allows people to attach posters or artwork to any surface with a magnetic, non-marking adhesive strips. Basically, the invention turns any wall into a refrigerator. The product works for anything and it’s a way for […]

I Slide Custom Slide Sandals

Justin Kittredge hopes the Sharks invest in I Slide, his new custom slide sandal company, in the season 8 premier. The product is a new twist on a very old footwear staple: the sandal. Slide sandals are like flip-flops, but they have the band across the foot instead of the strap between the toes. What […]