The ABC press release for episode 611 described the SkinnyShirt as a “button down and pullover shirt designed to make you look skinny.” One would think it was some sort of compression shirt – a la Hold Your Haunches. That’s not what SkinnyShirt creator Julie Kalimian had in mind. The ShinnyShirt is actually a morph of […]
Evening Package Delivery – Doorman
I always wondered why FedEx and UPS don’t offer evening package delivery services. Doorman founder Zander Adell wondered the same thing and he did something about it, he created an evening package delivery service of his own. Zandell is a smart guy: he’s a Wharton MBA and he was the Technical Director at Pixar Studios for […]
New Dating App – Coffee Meets Bagel
The Kang sisters: Aram, Da Woon, and Soo, pitch a new, free dating app called Coffee Meets Bagel, in Shark Tank episode 611. Unlike Bantam Bagels, Coffee Meets Bagel has nothing to do with food. The Kangs developed a dating app that leverages Facebook friends and friends of friends under the assumption that the best […]
Mini Bagel Balls – Bantam Bagels
Nick and Elyse Oleksak like bagels. They like them so much, they embarked on a journey to “change the way you bagel” back in 2013 when they opened Bantam Bagels in the West Village. Their journey continues when they pitch their business in the Shark Tank in episode 611. The idea, like many good ideas, […]
Quality + Cost + Conscience = Bombas SOCKS
Bombas SOCKS it to the Sharks Bombas was a great business pitch to watch. Think about what they were able to do: differentiate a parity product! That’s no easy feat (no pun intended) when consumers typically substitute one athletic sock brand for another because they’re all virtually the same. “The mass market athletic sock hasn’t changed […]
Retail MBA
Many entrepreneurs who appear on Shark Tank want to get their products on retail store shelves; they could use Retail MBA! Time after time, business owners in the Tank ask the Sharks for assistance opening doors to major retail buyers. With the Retail MBA, you don’t need a Shark! SIGN UP NOW FOR FREE TRAINING […]
Mensch on a Bench Contest
The Shark Tank Blog is pleased to announce a Mensch on a Bench contest. Neal Hoffman, creator of the Mensch on a Bench, who airs tonight in the 2014 Shark Tank Holiday Special, has offered a lucky Shark Tank Blog reader an opportunity to WIN a Mensch on a Bench! Mensch on a Bench Contest […]
Neal Hoffman Interview – Mensch on a Bench
I spoke with Neal Hoffman prior to his appearance in the Shark Tank Holiday special. He was just headed home to his family in Cincinnati after a promotional road trip. Hoffman is the guy behind the Jewish answer to Elf on a Shelf: the Mensch on a Bench. Last holiday season, Mensch on a Bench […]
Christmas Light Hanger – EveDrop
Nathan Shaffer wants to get the drop on a Shark when he pitches EveDrop, his Christmas light hanger system, in Shark Tank episode 614. It just isn’t Christmas in the Shark Tank without a product related to Christmas lights. Last year’s Shark Tank Holiday Special featured Lite-Netics, a magnetic Christmas light hanger; Shaffer’s solution doesn’t […]
Reindeer Tracks Stamping Kit – Hoppy Paws
Trina Barkourasis took an old family tradition and turned it into a business: a stamping kit that creates reindeer tracks to amaze children on Christmas morning. She pitches her stamping kit, called Hoppy Paws, to the Sharks in the 2014 Shark Tank Holiday Special. Trina actually created the original stamping kit 20 years ago to make a […]
Hanukkah Plush Toy – Mensch on a Bench
Neal Hoffman pitches last years hottest Hanukkah tchatchke from last holiday season, Mensch on a Bench, in this year’s Shark Tank holiday special. Mr. Hoffman has been a toy guy since completing his MBA degree at the University of Virginia. He worked in the marketing department at Hasbro for 6 years: he actually had the chutzpah to write the company and […]
Q-Flex Personal Acupressure Device
Mother/daughter team Hong and Andrea Cao pitch Q-Flex, a personal acupressure device, in the Shark Tank Holiday episode. Andrea, who is only 13, invented the device to ease muscle pain by utilizing the ancient Chinese healing art of acupressure. Similar in principle to acupuncture, acupressure is used to apply pressure to certain meridians or parts of […]
Stephen Hersh Interview – Biaggi
I spoke with Stephen Hersh, who pitches his foldable luggage line called Biaggi in episode 613, prior to his air date. He said he was very excited after months of having his life consumed by appearing on Shark Tank. Like every other entrepreneur who appears, he’s been keeping a big secret for months. Now, he […]
Single Serving Wine Glass – Zipz
J. Henry Scott isn’t the first entrepreneur to pitch a single serving wine in the Shark Tank. Jim Martin actually pitched Copa Di Vino, his version of single serving wine twice – once in season two and once in season three. Martin never made a deal, but Mr. Scott hopes a Shark invests in his […]
Skin Care for Men – SWAG Essentials
Lydia Evans created SWAG Essentials, her skin care for men product line, when her brother asked her to make a product to relieve ingrown hairs and razor burn. Evans, a Licensed Medical Esthetician, pitches SWAG Essentials in Shark Tank 613. The bold and brassy entrepreneur makes quite an impression and may forever be remembered in Shark Tank lore as the […]
Female Fan Fashions – Gameday Couture
Kurt and Shawnna Fedderson want to know what statement the Sharks will make on game day when they pitch Gameday Couture, their line of female fan fashions. The Feddersons’ business is creating fashionable, college licensed female fan fashions that has women showing their support for their favorite college teams. They currently license OSU, TU, OU, ARKANSAS, […]
Folding Luggage – Biaggi
When Stephen Hersh pitches Biaggi, his proprietary line of folding luggage, in Shark Tank episode 613, he hopes the Sharks will see an investment worthy business. Hersh partners with a Taiwanese factory to produce his folding luggage, but he has lots of experience in the industry: he’s the son of the former president of Rosetti Handbags […]
Did Magic Cook Knock Off Baro Cook?
Sharon Yu of Magic Cook scored a deal with Daymond in episode 612: she accepted a deal for $100K for 33% of her business. Some interesting information came to light since the episode aired. A company called Dokdo, Ltd claims THEY own the patent to the “heating container” technology. They claim Sharon Yu used their […]
Organic Tortilla Chips – Off the Cob
“Snacktrepreneur” Cameron Sheldrake hopes the Sharks like Off the Cob, his line of organic sweet corn tortilla chips, when he pitches the snacks in Shark Tank episode 612. Cameron is a graduate of Babson College’s Business School and the son of third generation family farmers. He combined his business acumen he learned in school with […]
Cooking Container – Magic Cook
Magic Cook is a cooking container that heats meals without electricity, gas, or fire. Entrepreneur Sharon Yu seeks an investment from the Sharks in episode 612 for her “magic” cooking container. Can she cook up a deal? The Magic Cook Lunch Box comes with two containers that nest into one another. Place the heating pack […]
Time Locking Container – Kitchen Safe
David Krippendorf and Ryan Tseng pitch their invention and successful Kickstarter project, Kitchen Safe, a time locking container, in Shark Tank episode 612. Kitchen Safe is just that: it’s a safe for your kitchen. The idea is you put food items that are tempting in the locking container, set the lock, and it will not […]
Green Fire Log – Earth Log
Tom Sanetti invented the Earth Log at his kitchen table while trying to figure out how to effectively burn the TONS of junk mail he received in his mailbox each day. He found by combining waste paper and scrap candle wax, he could create a 100% recycled, green fire log. Tom hopes to light a […]
John Smith Interview – Storm Stoppers
The first thing Storm Stoppers creator John Smith wants the world to know before he goes on Shark Tank is he’s NOT in the witness protection program! “John Smith is my real name,” he said emphatically when I spoke with him recently. Mr. Smith pitches Storm Stoppers, a system of corrugated plastic panels that replaces […]