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Rob Merlino: Blogger, Writer, Entrepreneur & Foodie

Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including The Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories and more.

The Red Dress Boutique

The Red Dress Boutique might be the most successful business to enter the Shark Tank in season six, or any other season for that matter. Husband and wife business partners Josh and Diana Harbour took Diana’s dream and turned it into a $7 million dollar per year, online juggernaut. They’ll pitch in the Shark Tank […]

Cake Rental – Fun Cakes

I got very excited when I found out Kimberly Aya and her cake rental business, Fun Cakes, was going to appear in Shark tank episode 606. I first “met” Kimberly as a reader of THE Shark Tank Blog, she won one of the many contests we have throughout the years. When I interviewed Kimberly, she […]

FunCakes Preview

I spoke with FunCakes owner Kimberly Aya prior to her appearance on Shark Tank episode 606 to get some background on her appearance. Kimberly is the world’s only cake maker that doesn’t have an oven – all her cakes are faux creations, made out of Styrofoam and fondant. They’re decorative cakes people get for the […]

Reviver Clothing Swipes

Ben and Eric Kusins, brothers from a very entrepreneurial family, introduce a new “fragrance delivery system,” Reviver Clothing Swipes, to Shark Tank and the world in episode 606. Reviver Clothing Swipes are a small, fabric covered “swipe” that fit over your fingers; when you swipe it across your clothing, the fragrance infused waxy material inside […]

Table Jacks Table Stabilizers

Steve Christian hopes the Sharks like Table Jacks, his invention that eliminates “table wobble,” in episode 606. Christian created Table Jacks to give restaurant owners an easy way to eliminate wobbly tables without using napkins or cardboard. If you’ve ever been to a restaurant with a wobbly table, you know what a turn off it is. […]

Airplane Stickers – Paper Box Pilots

13 year old Noah Cahoon, along with dad, Brian and little brother, Milo, pitches Paper Box Pilots – his airplane stickers kit – in episode 606. The origins of the business began when Noah was 4 years old. His dad used to turn old boxes into airplanes for Noah; he’d draw instruments and decorations on […]

Reviver Preview

I spoke with Eric Kusin before episode 606 aired to get a Reviver preview. Eric appears with his brother, Ben -who invented Reviver – to pitch the business in the Shark Tank. Ben originally got the idea for Reviver about 6 years ago. Ben was a smoker who wanted to mask the smell of smoke. […]

Drum Pants – The Band You Wear

Drum Pants is the first wearable, electronic music kit in the world. Co-founders Lei Yu and Tyler Freeman introduce their technology to the Shark Tank in episode 603. The idea for Drum Pants began as a way for Freeman (who happens to be a drummer) to goof on his friends by slapping his legs and […]

Soap Socks – Soap Sox Stuffed Animal Washcloths

Ray Phillips and Alvin Uy hope to clean up with their Soap Socks Stuffed Animal Wash Cloths in Shark Tank Episode 603. The two dads invented SoapSocks when Ray made bath time a bit less frightening for a small child at a residential treatment facility. The kid didn’t want to take a bath without his […]

Card Throwing Game – Ninja Cards

Dustin Berk and Ken Haton pitch Ninja Cards, a darts-like card throwing game, in episode 603. Many people (before the advent of smart phones) pitched cards to pass the time; Dustin and Ken are no exceptions. One day, while traveling for business, the guys were pitching cards at bottles in their hotel room. That little […]

Dog Carrier – Heart Pup

When Anastasia Heart wants to walk her dog, Trixi, the dog might not have to do the walking if she’s snuggled in its Heart Pup dog carrier. Ms. Heart made the dog carrier herself, and she has hundreds of them on sale in her Etsy shop. Heart Pup isn’t your run of the mill dog carrier, […]

Mobile Wedding Service – Wedding Wagon

Adrian Gonzalez and James Cass pitch their mobile wedding service, called Wedding Wagon, in Shark Tank episode 602. Las Vegas is the marriage capital of the country: there were 80,493 marriage licenses issued in Clark County (where Vegas is located) in 2013. There are many ways to get married in Las Vegas too; you can have […]

Building Toy for Girls – Roominate

Roominate, a building toy for girls, jumps in the Tank when inventors Alice Brooks and Bettina Chen pitch in Shark Tank episode 602, part two of the season 6 premier. Alice has her BS in Mechanical Engineering from MIT and a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford. Bettina has her BS in Electrical Engineering from the California Institute of […]

Kronos Golf

Phillip Lapuz and Eric Williams hope the Sharks are on par with their business, Kronos Golf, that manufactures precision crafted golf putters in the second part of the season 6 premier, episode 602. The pair grew up in San Diego county, sometimes called “the epicenter of the club making industry.” Lapuz learned putter milling at a local […]

Floating Mug

Kickstarter seems to be the new breeding ground for Shark Tank entrepreneurs and Tigere Chiriga’s Floating Mug is the latest Kickstarter to swim with the Sharks in episode 602. The Floating Mug was inspired by moisture rings left on furniture in Chiriga’s home; hot beverages produce heat and slight moisture that’s damaging to furniture. He’s an avid […]

Nail Salon for Men – Hammer and Nails

Michael Eliot, screenwriter turned entrepreneur, pitches Hammer and Nails, a nail salon for men, in episode 601. Eliot wants to “put the ‘man’ back in manicure,” and envisions a nail salon for men in every major city. Hammer and Nails is in Hollywood and just opened in November, 2013 to rave reviews and lots of customers. Eliot […]

Zipadee-Zip Wearable Blankets by Sleeping Baby

Zipadee-Zip Wearable Blankets by Sleeping Baby are the solution to sleepless nights when infants start transitioning from being swaddled in their crib. That’s what husband and wife entrepreneurs Brett and Stephanie Parker want the Sharks to understand when they pitch Zipadee-Zip in episode 601. The idea for the Zipadee-Zip is simple: keep infants used to being […]

Better Athletic Socks – Bombas

Does the world need better athletic socks? “Socktrepreneurs” Randy Goldberg and David Heath think so and they hope the Sharks do too when they pitch Bombas, their vision for better athletic socks, in episode 601 on September 26, 2014. Goldberg and Heath are the first crowdfunding success featured in season 6 (they are not the last) […]

Free Phone Charging Station – Amber

Amber is a free phone charging station entrepreneur Bill Shuey hopes to sell to restaurants, museums, and a host of other public venues to create a “value add” for the locations. The idea is, consumers will be more likely to patronize a venue that offers a free phone charging station. On Friday, September 26, Shuey […]

Elephant Chat Fail – Shark Tank Failures

I was a bit surprised to find news of a monumental Shark Tank failure when I got an Elephant Chat Fail story in my inbox. For those who don’t remember, Jason and Amanda Adams appeared in episode 509 back in season 5. The episode recently aired during Shark Tank Week- they were on with FiberFix […]

Shark Tank Week 2014

  Shark Tank Week was such a big hit last year, ABC is airing Shark Tank Week 2014 as a teaser to the Shark Tank season six premier on Friday, September 26. Shark Tank Week, airing September 6-12,  features favorite episodes from all six Sharks from Season five. Each Shark picks an episode they made […]

Shark Tank Gift Box from CNBC

This is a picture of a Shark Tank Gift Box I just got in the mail. One of the cool things about writing the Shark Tank Blog is people, like the good folks at CNBC, send me goodies. They promised me a Shark Tank gift box so I could help them promote #SharkTankTuesdays on CNBC. […]

Corda Roys Update

Byron Young spoke with Shark Tank Blog for a CordaRoys update in the immediate aftermath of his original air date. He did a deal with Lori Grenier, who made a $200K investment for 58% of Corda Roys. It’s been about two years since Byron taped his segment and a year and a half since he did […]

Bouqs Review

I received a dozen roses for my wife today so I could do a Bouqs review for my readers. I sent my mom a bouquet from Bouqs for Mother’s Day and she LOVED her flowers (what mother doesn’t), but a dozen roses for my wife would be a firsthand test and allow me to do […]

Shark Tank Season Six Premiere

ABC has announced the Shark Tank Season six premiere. Everyone’s favorite venture capital reality show returns Friday, September 26 at 8 PM EST and it will be a two hour special episode. Whether it’s one complete, 2 hour show or just a “double dose” is unclear at this time; ABC didn’t release many details – […]