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Rob Merlino: Blogger, Writer, Entrepreneur & Foodie

Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including The Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories and more.

Sour Ballz: Sweet Ballz Deal in Court

When Sweet Ballz entrepreneurs James McDonald and Cole Egger aired in the Shark Tank in the Season 5 premier, they looked like winners. They scored a deal with Mark Cuban and Barbara Corcoran and the viewer response was huge. Interest in Sweet Ballz posts on Shark Tank Blog was high, which usually means the business […]

Equity vs. Purchase Order Financing – Kane and Couture

How do you decide whether your business needs equity or purchase order financing? This week we are showcasing Kane & Couture to help illustrate which may be best for your business’ growth. Let’s start by reviewing factors that can impact how “financeable” Kane & Couture is: Scalability – Kane & Couture is using a contract […]

Chris Johnson – Rapid Ramen Pre-Show Interview

Chris Johnson, a 34 year-old, soon to be multi-millionaire, pitches his Rapid Ramen Cooker to the Sharks in Episode 503. The UC Davis grad currently runs a successful business that does project management, recruiting, and temporary staffing  in the construction, architecture, and engineering fields. After his Shark Tank appearance, he’ll be known simply as “The Rapid Ramen […]

NFL Stars Like Storm Stoppers

NFL Stars appeared on Shark Tank in the past. Look at Brandon Jacobs who pitched PRO-NRG in season 4. If John Smith had his way, he’d have former NFL Stars and quarterbacks throwing footballs at his Storm Stopper, the Plywood Alternative Hurricane Window Protection – a rigid, corrugated, lightweight but heavy-duty material designed to protect […]

Titan Water Bottle by Jared Joyce

The Shark Tank has spawned many success stories, and inventor Jared Joyce from season three is at it again with his Titan Water Bottle. He’s looking to have Quirky review the invention and help him get it into production. In order for that to happen, he needs your vote to have Quirky consider the product. […]

Sweet Ballz Financing

Sweet Ballz was a big hit on the Shark Tank season premier; so big in fact that their website crashed and was down all week! When you connect with 7  million viewers, you better be prepared for server crushing traffic. They apologized to their “fans”  on their Facebook Page yesterday: We would like to apologize […]

Monster Repellent

I’ve heard of mosquito repellent, even Shark repellent, but until now, I didn’t know there was such a thing as Monster Repellent. You read that correctly: Monster Repellent. It’s one of 5 Fairytale Wishes sprays created by entrepreneur Debbie Glickman to combat her kids’ fears and anxieties in a fun, stress-free way. Debbie pitches her […]

Chef Hat Chic

Mr. Wonderful will don a new style, chic chef hat in episode 503 as entrepreneurs Juli Deveau and Ozma Khan pitch their Kookn Kap to the Shark Tank panel. The two hotties, food buffs,  and self admitted “cheesy” marketers didn’t like their coiffures getting smelly from cooking fumes when they were entertaining , so they created […]

Child Carrier and Day Pack

Erick Jansen and Nathan Jones invented a light weight child carrier and day pack out of necessity, they just got tired of their kids losing steam when they went on day trips and other adventures. The pair worked on a few other consumer products together before they created the Freeloader, but those never got beyond the […]

Rapid Ramen Noodle Cooker

Chris Johnson’s Rapid Ramen Noodle cooker gets introduced to the Sharks in episode 503. This is the first big consumer product in season 5 and Johnson has already hit the ball out of the park with his Ramen noodle cooker. He launched the business in late 2012 and as of this writing, he’s in EVERY […]

Doggy Style Dog Fashion

Amber Lee Forrester hopes to bring some doggy style to the Tank in episode 505 with her business that puts on the dog called Kane and Couture. Dog fashion is a new business type in the Shark Tank. We’ve seen other pet related products on the show before, but never high fashion dog apparel for […]

Small Business Financing Basics

If you are an entrepreneur looking to start or grow a small business, your first challenge is small business financing. Often a business has so much potential, but how do you take it to the next level? Knowing and understanding the options for financing small business growth can make all the difference between becoming stagnant […]

Breathalyzer App

Episode 504 brings Charles Michael Yim and his breathalyzer app into the Shark Tank.  Every once in a while, the Shark Tank sees a business that can really benefit society and this could be it. The breathalyzer app, called Breathometer, allows any smart phone user to calculate their own blood alcohol level and, hopefully, make an […]

Man Medal

Now guys everywhere can get the recognition they deserve from the gals in their life when they earn themselves a Man Medal. If your’e a married man, your wife has undoubtedly said to you after you boldly announce the completion of some mundane household task, “do you want a medal?” Now, when she says that […]

WIN a Shark Tank Survival Kit

Once again, the good folks at have provided readers of the Shark Tank Blog with a great prize: a Shark Tank Survival Kit! To get a chance to win the Shark Tank Survival Kit, all you have to do is subscribe to the Shark Tank Blog Newsletter (use the form in the right column). When […]

Mango Preserves

Mango preserves entrepreneurs Lakesha Brown-Renfro, Nzinga Teule-Hekima, and Tanecia Willis have a song and dance for the Sharks in episode 505 as the party planners turned jelly marketers present their product called Mango Mango. In the season five promo video, the three women are shown dancing into the tank singing “spread it, mix it , […]

Echo Valley Meats Update Interview with Dave Alwan

I spoke with Dave Alwan after he appeared on Shark Tank to get an Echo Valley Meats update and he may have the biggest Shark Tank Success story to date. If you recall, Dave did not get a deal on the show, but his online gourmet meats business BLEW UP after his episode originally aired. […]

Postcard App

Entrepreneur and ex MySpace executive Josh Brooks introduces the Shark Tank public to his postcard app called Postcard on the Run in the season 5 premier. There’s a potential celebrity connection too: Brooks has Selena Gomez as an investor, avid user, and promoter. What the postcard app does is turn smart phone pictures into standard […]

Million Dollar Offer in Episode 505

Mark Cuban, Lori Greiner, Daymond John, Robert Herjavec and Kevin O’Leary team up to make an entrepreneur a million dollar offer in Shark Tank episode 505. We’ve seen the Sharks make a million dollar offer before and we’ve seen all five Sharks team on a deal, but we’ve never seen all five Sharks team up […]

Villy Custom Update with Fleetwood Hicks

I spoke with Fleetwood Hicks recently to get a Villy Custom update and he had a lot to tell Shark Tank fans. Hicks struck a deal with Barbara Corcoran and Mark Cuban back in season three, episode 313. Hicks originally asked for $500K for 33% of the custom-built bike business and ultimately settled on $500K […]

Gourmet Pickles

Gourmet pickles make their way into the Shark Tank during the season 5 premier on Friday, September 20. A pair of young Washington State food entrepreneurs, Lynnae Schneller and Aly Cullinane, pitch Lynnae’s great grandmother’s secret recipe pickles to the panel of Sharks. The pair remind me of the Wild Squirrel Nut Butter gals from season […]

Cake Balls

Sweet Ballz cake balls is a business that cries out for some double entendre wise-cracking when the business appears on the Shark Tank season 5 première! When I first started researching this business, I couldn’t get the old Saturday Night Live sketch with Alec Baldwin out of my mind: Baldwin plays “Pete Schweddy” and he […]

Purchase Order Financing

Purchase order financing is a commonly used financial tool for small business owners who receive a large order but lack the cash on hand to fulfill it. Many Shark Tank entrepreneurs use this form of financing. Michael Tseng, the creator of the Plate Topper, was a good example of a business that needed purchase order […]

ERGO-CB Inventor Jared Joyce from Season 3

Jared Joyce, a Shark Tank season 3 entrepreneur who presented his 5 Minute Furniture to the Sharks, is at it again with the ERGO-CB, an ergonomic clipboard and iPad holder. Joyce is a Quirky inventor with dozens of products in development. 5 Minute Furniture is still about a year away from being available to the […]

Fashion Anchor

The Fashion Anchor came to my attention through a Shark Tank networking group. Entrepreneur Jon Yeazel applied for Shark Tank, but he’s not telling whether he made the cut or not! I like to showcase “Shark Tank worthy” businesses and products when time allows, so I had Jon send me some info on his unique […]