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Back Pack for Men – Man Pack

man packWhen Aaron Tweedie set out to make Man Pack, a back pack for men, he wanted something that was both functional AND “masculine.” Men toting satchels have often been, right or wrong, the object of a certain amount of ridicule. Words like “murse” and “man purse” come to mind when you see a guy carrying a satchel.

Man Pack is NOT a murse! It’s an extremely functional back pack – like bag that holds everything a guy could want from his lap top to a gun. Tweedie, an Army veteran and former construction worker is a man’s man. He wanted a good back pack that wouldn’t draw sneers from his army buddies or construction co-workers. When he couldn’t find one that fit the bill, he made one of his own.

The Man Pack comes in canvas and leather and you can opt for a model with or without the Man Pack logo – just in case you don’t want to call attention to the product.It’s a simple sling pack that carries day-to-day basic necessities, including a gun, and it’s relatively inexpensive compared to other packs like it on the market.

Besides the main compartment that will fit just about any laptop computer or tablet, there are numerous pockets for wallets, flashlights, pens and pencils, and a water bottle. There’s even a neoprene lined pocket for a concealed carry weapon. The Man Pack is water-resistant and it really isn’t a back pack; it’s a sling pack, to be worn over your head and one shoulder. For guys who want a good carry-all, it’s a pretty good alternative to what’s out there.

Tweedie raised $47,404 on Kickstarter in 2013 to get the first run of Man Packs produced, now he wants to get to the next level with the Sharks.

My Take on Man Pack

I think this is a handy item that I’d use for both travel and every day use. Even though I would use one, I couldn’t get the “Fancy Boy” Seinfeld episode out of my head when I first started researching this product!

All kidding aside, I think there’s a good market for Man Pack. Plenty of guys (and gals) would use a product like this. It’s really a 21st century satchel. I don’t think Tweedie should limit the product to just men; I think he’s limiting his market by calling it Man Pack. There will be plenty of macho types who’ll get one just because it’s called “Man Pack,” but there are surely hundreds of thousands of women who would like a similar product.

Will Sharks Fill a Man Pack with Ca$h and Invest?

The biggest obstacle Tweedie faces is the limited market. The Sharks will have similar concerns about marketing to women. After all, why cut the market for a utilitarian item like a satchel in half with branding? It’s a question that’s sure to arise.

As for the business, will the Sharks think it’s too limited? Perhaps, but the uniqueness of the offering could get over that objection. Tweedie, ultimately, is going to need good numbers to impress the Sharks.

I don’t think Robert, Mark, or Mr. Wonderful bid on this. Since it’s the “Military Entrepreneurs Special,” I don’t think they’ll get too nasty with Tweedie. The Sharks that may have interest are Daymond and Lori.

Lori may like this because it’s a moderately priced item her largely female audience would buy for their men. Women, particularly during the holiday season, are always looking for good gifts for their boyfriend/husband/father/son etc. Man Pack could fit the bill and would likely do well on QVC, so if Lori likes it as a product, she could jump in and invest.

Daymond might view this as a fashion item as well as a satchel. Whether he’d want to re-brand it so it has appeal to men and women may be a concern, but he’ll see it as an article that’s an urban necessity. If he likes the product, Mr. Tweedie, and the numbers, he’ll likely make an offer.

About Rob Merlino

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.


  1. David Brooks says

    I want one! Where do i get it


    what is the name of the website

  3. I want one and I can’t get on to the web site. How much are they? Because I want for myself for travel.

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