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Innovation Pet Toys

Tim Taft and Victoria Coopman have over 30 years combined experience in the pet industry, so they created their own company to manufacture and sell a wide variety of pet toys in 2012. Their line of products is extensive; they make pet toys, chicken coops, cat scratchers, dog houses, and much more. They’ll find out if […]

Crodwfunded Beer – Mob Craft Beer

Mob Craft beer co-founder Henry Schwartz knew he wanted to start a micro brewery, but he wanted to stand out from the hundreds of others in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. That’s not easy to do in a city and a state known as much for its beer as its cheese! To differentiate the brewery, which he co-founded with Andrew […]

Better Back Posture Correction Device

Katherine Krug started looking for a better back pain solution after spending several years sitting at a desk developing the failed goal setting app, Everest. As the COO of that company, she found herself slouching at her desk all day and night, causing a lot of back pain. She did some research on back pain […]

Glace Cryotherapy Spa Franchise

Cryotherapy isn’t a new thing, in fact it’s been around since the last millennium. More recently, it was practiced in Japan, then Europe, and now – finally – in the United States. In the past ten years or so, cryotherapy machines have been popping up all over the country. The folks at Glacé Cryotherapy – […]

Smart Bike Lock – Linka

Mohamed Mohamed likes his bike and uses it a lot, but he doesn’t want it stolen, so he created Linka: the smart bike lock. Everything seems to have an app today, why not a bike lock? Linka made a lot of waves with a successful Kickstarter that raised over $120,000 and was a “staff pick.” […]

Shark Tank Business For Sale!

I recently received an email from a Shark Tank Business that wants to list their business for sale. The company wishes the name of the business to remain confidential, but they want to put the word out. The business included the following announcement to their email: Business for Sale Hello everyone. I’m just throwing this […]

Espresso Tea Shots – Teaspressa

Allison DeVane likes her espresso, but not the headaches she suffers when she consumes too much coffee, so she invented Teaspressa – a method of brewing tea shots that mimic coffee drinks. Basically, tea shots are concentrated tea blends that, when brewed properly, create a thicker, richer tea. The resulting tea shots can then get […]

The Custard Stand – Interview with Dee and Angie Cowger

I had the opportunity to speak with Dee and Angie Cowger, owners of The Custard Stand and makers of Custard Stand Hot Dog Chili. The couple opened The Custard Stand in their small town of Webster Springs, West Virginia in 1991. I immediately became clear that the “hot” item in their shop was their home-made chili, […]

Insta Fire – Fire and Charcoal Starter

Insta Fire is a product that lets you start a fire or charcoal grill in virtually any conditions. Whether you’re out hiking in the snowy mountains or just lighting the backyard grill, InstaFire can get you fired up almost instantly. Konnel Banner and Frank Weston created the product because they are both avid outdoors men who know […]

PRX Weight Lifting Racks

PRX Performance weight lifting racks owners Erik Hopperstad and Brian Brasch are two businessmen with a business they started together, Hopperstaad is a Division Manager at Weekes Forest Products and Brasch is the CEO of Branick Tools. Both companies are in Fargo, North Dakota – which happens to be where the guys make their PRX lifting racks. […]