Chris Gilpin got lucky when he started Signal Vault. Back in 2013, he was working for his dad’s ‘s nonprofit National Crime Stop Program while turning the idea for SignalVault around in his mind. Gilpin played the Florida Lottery regularly, taking one or two “quick picks” every week. In July, 2013, he matched 5 out […]
Rocket Skates and Scooters – Acton
Peter Treadway’s Acton Rocket Skates and Scooters might be the coolest product pitched in Shark Tank’s season seven premier. He funded his dream with two separate Kickstarter campaigns that raised over $600,000. Production was a bit dicey at first, but they’re working out the kinks and are now shipping skates and scooters. Acton bills itself as […]
Frill Clothing Update Interview
I spoke with Sharon Bui and Kate Steadman via Skype recently to get a Frill Clothing update on their business’ progress since they aired on Shark Tank episode 618. The two young women accepted a $100,000 investment from Barbara and Mr. Wonderful for 30% of the business. Their deal is nearly complete with the two Sharks and, […]
Scott Jordan and Scott E Vest on Indie GoGo
Scott E Vest founder Scott Jordan pissed a lot of people off this week. To read about that, check out Scott Jordan Opens Mouth, Inserts Foot.Scott E Vest on Indie GoGo? Isn’t the crowd funding platform used for start-ups seeking seed money? Scott Jordan, founder of Scott E Vest doesn’t think so and he’s using […]
Ashton Kutcher Guest Shark for Season 7
Ashton Kutcher will soon be saying “Dude, where’s my Shark Tank?” According to ABC: “On the upcoming seventh season of ABC’s hit series Shark Tank, Ashton Kutcher, 37, will serve as a “guest shark” for a limited time. The series will return on Sept. 25, however, Ashton’s stint has not been given a specified date just […]
Dark Moments for BottleBright
I was intrigued by the nimble cleaning power of BottleBright for reusable containers. I had a lot of issues, however, with the Shark Tank segment. From the odd critiques from the Sharks to the presentation by entrepreneurs Justin Koehneke and Seth Friedman, I thought this was a very unusual segment. Critique of the BottleBright critiques “Nobody gives […]
Shark Wheels Inventor David Patrick Interview
While talking to David Patrick before he aired on Shark Tank in the season six finale, I was surprised to learn that Shark Wheels were invented by accident. He wasn’t seeking to “re-invent the wheel,” he was in the process of re-inventing the turbine. David founded a company called 4Sphere, which makes “alternating wake turbine […]
Cat Cafe – Gato Cafe
Adriana Montano channels her “inner crazy cat lady” in Shark Tank’s season six finale when she pitches Gato Cafe, her “cat cafe” concept. Montano likes cats and she likes the growing, world-wide trend of the cat cafe. Popular in Asia and gaining momentum in Europe, a cat cafe is just a coffee shop with a […]
3 Wheel Scooter – Sway Motorsports
Joe Wilcox wowed the crowd at this year’s CES in Las Vegas when he showcased his 3 wheel scooter powered by lithium batteries. The three wheel tilting trike is the signature product for Wilcox’s Sway Motorsports. It’s designed for urban transportation and has more maneuverability than standard trikes and scooters. The secret is in the sway – […]
New Game: Spike Ball
What do you get when you cross volleyball with foursquare – you get a whole new game: Spike Ball! Chris Ruder first created the game back in 2007 and since then, there are over a quarter million active players on over 1000 teams in the USA. Regional SpikeBall tournaments occur every year and a champion […]