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Bed Rider Pick Up Truck Seats – BedRyder

In the past, having a pick up truck bed rider was a dangerous thing. People riding in the bed of a pick-up truck could easily be flung from the vehicle, even without being involved in an accident. George Conway solved that problem for pick-up truck owners when he invented BedRyder, the only pick-up truck bed rider […]

Sorority Clothes – Frill Clothing

Kate Steadman and Sharon Bui pitch their line of Made in the USA sorority clothes in Shark Tank episode 618 on Friday, March 6, 2015. What are sorority clothes? According to Frill Clothing, they are dresses and accessories sorority girls wear when they are getting recruited for a sorority. Apparently, for many sororities, being dressed […]

Mission NOT Impossible – Words to the Wise for Sseko Sandals

It’s always hard to watch Ben and Liz from Sseko Sandals, passionate and smart entrepreneurs, leave the Tank without an offer. It’s especially hard when entrepreneurs with a charitable mission leave empty handed. Their heart is in the right place, but the investment isn’t profitable for the Sharks. SSEKO Sandals’ passion for helping women in Uganda is […]

Lumio Pitch – The Most Important 30-second Answer Ever

The Internet was glowing in January with articles about the LUMIO pitch – beautiful product, elegant branding, logical growth plan, and a driven entrepreneur, Max Gunawan. Five sharks, five offers…which offer would your business accept? It’s a question you need to carefully evaluate BEFORE swimming with the sharks or any investor. Every business is different […]

Xero Shoes Amuri Z-Trek Review

Steve Sashen never got a deal in the Shark Tank for Xeroshoes, his barefoot running sandals, but that was before he created the new Amuri Z-Tek sandal. The Sharks might have liked them a bit better. Steve sent me the original version of Xeroshoes a few years ago. I laced up the huarache style sandals […]

Grace and Lace Update Interview – Rick Hinnant

I recently spoke with Rick Hinnant to get a Grace and Lace Update. Rick is one half of the Grace and Lace brain trust; his wife, Melissa, was busy doing a photo shoot the day we spoke. The Hinnants struck a tender chord with Shark Tank Nation back in episode 511 in season five when […]

Inflatable Solar Light

Anna Stork and Andrea Sreshta pitch LuminAID, an inflatable solar light they developed to be able to provide a simple lighting solution to people in crisis due to natural disasters. They witnessed the devastation of the Haitian earthquakes in 2010 and when they were caught in an earthquake in Japan a year later, they realized […]

Scholarship App – Scholly

Christopher Gray got his scholarships the old fashioned way – without a scholarship app. He did manage to amass over $1.6 million in scholarship monies to attend Drexel University and he needed every penny of it; he wasn’t born into money. What he learned while getting all that cash for college was that there are […]

Back Packs by Taaluma Totes

Jack Dufour and Alley Heffren are two young, adventurous college-aged kids who practically have their back packs surgically attached to their bodies! They like to travel, and need a good back pack while visiting the many places they go to. College kids in general are big into back packs, whether it’s for lugging books around […]

Smart Vent – Keen Home

Ryan Fant got inspired to invent the Keen Home “smart vent” because he didn’t like warm air blowing in his face when he was trying to fall asleep in his college apartment. He thought if he had some sort of smart phone control, he could close the vent right above his bed; he couldn’t reach it […]