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Back Pack Vest – Vestpakz

When Michael Wooley’s daughter, Christen, invented a back pack vest for a sixth grade science project, little did he know it would lead him to the Shark Tank 15 years later. Wooley appears in episode 607 in a special Tuesday night Shark Tank on January 13; he’s pitching his (now 26 years old) daughter’s invention […]

SkinnyShirt Smoothing Undershirts

The ABC press release for episode 611 described the SkinnyShirt as a “button down and pullover shirt designed to make you look skinny.” One would think it was some sort of compression shirt – a la Hold Your Haunches. That’s not what SkinnyShirt creator Julie Kalimian had in mind. The ShinnyShirt is actually a morph of […]

Evening Package Delivery – Doorman

I always wondered why FedEx and UPS don’t offer evening package delivery services. Doorman founder Zander Adell wondered the same thing and he did something about it, he created an evening package delivery service of his own. Zandell is a smart guy: he’s a Wharton MBA and he was the Technical Director at Pixar Studios for […]

New Dating App – Coffee Meets Bagel

The Kang sisters:  Aram, Da Woon, and Soo, pitch a new, free dating app called Coffee Meets Bagel, in Shark Tank episode 611. Unlike Bantam Bagels, Coffee Meets Bagel has nothing to do with food. The Kangs developed a dating app that leverages Facebook friends and friends of friends under the assumption that the best […]

Mini Bagel Balls – Bantam Bagels

Nick and Elyse Oleksak like bagels. They like them so much, they embarked on a journey to “change the way you bagel” back in 2013 when they opened Bantam Bagels in the West Village. Their journey continues when they pitch their business in the Shark Tank in episode 611. The idea, like many good ideas, […]

5 Tips: How to Get a Shark Tank Product on Store Shelves!

About the Author: Karen Waksman ( is a Manufacturer’s Rep turned Author, Speaker, and Consultant. She has sold millions of consumer products to the world’s largest retailers and now teaches her proven strategies on how to approach, pitch, and sell to major retail buyers to the ‘underdog’ supplier – the small to mid-size product company […]

Quality + Cost + Conscience = Bombas SOCKS

Bombas SOCKS it to the Sharks Bombas was a great business pitch to watch. Think about what they were able to do: differentiate a parity product! That’s no easy feat (no pun intended) when consumers typically substitute one athletic sock brand for another because they’re all virtually the same.  “The mass market athletic sock hasn’t changed […]

Retail MBA

Many entrepreneurs who appear on Shark Tank want to get their products on retail store shelves; they could use Retail MBA! Time after time, business owners in the Tank ask the Sharks for assistance opening doors to major retail buyers. With the Retail MBA, you don’t need a Shark! SIGN UP NOW FOR FREE TRAINING […]

Mensch on a Bench Contest

The Shark Tank Blog is pleased to announce a Mensch on a Bench contest. Neal Hoffman, creator of the Mensch on a Bench, who airs tonight in the 2014 Shark Tank Holiday Special, has offered a lucky Shark Tank Blog reader an opportunity to WIN a Mensch on a Bench! Mensch on a Bench Contest […]

Neal Hoffman Interview – Mensch on a Bench

I spoke with Neal Hoffman prior to his appearance in the Shark Tank Holiday special. He was just headed home to his family in Cincinnati after a promotional road trip. Hoffman is the guy behind the Jewish answer to Elf on a Shelf: the Mensch on a Bench. Last holiday season, Mensch on a Bench […]