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Lori’s All Stars

Lori Grenier has a special update segment in episode 613 called “Lori’s All Stars.” Six businesses Lori invested in are highlighted and they include some of the most successful Shark Tank products in the show’s history. Lori’s All Stars are: Scrub Daddy, ReadeRest, Drop Stop, FiberFix, ScreenMend, and Invisiplug. Lori always says: “I know immediately […]

Organic Tortilla Chips – Off the Cob

“Snacktrepreneur” Cameron Sheldrake hopes the Sharks like Off the Cob, his line of organic sweet corn tortilla chips, when he pitches the snacks in Shark Tank episode 612. Cameron is a graduate of Babson College’s Business School and the son of third generation family farmers. He combined his business acumen he learned in school with […]

Cooking Container – Magic Cook

Magic Cook is a cooking container that heats meals without electricity, gas, or fire. Entrepreneur Sharon Yu seeks an investment from the Sharks in episode 612 for her “magic” cooking container. Can she cook up a deal? The Magic Cook Lunch Box comes with two containers that nest into one another. Place the heating pack […]

Time Locking Container – Kitchen Safe

David Krippendorf and Ryan Tseng pitch their invention and successful Kickstarter project, Kitchen Safe, a time locking container, in Shark Tank episode 612. Kitchen Safe is just that: it’s a safe for your kitchen. The idea is you put food items that are tempting in the locking container, set the lock, and it will not […]

Reflections on the 100th Episode of Shark Tank

Shark Tank’s 100th Episode airs 5 years and 5 days after the show premiered on August 9, 2009. The format was a hit in Japan, the UK and Canada for years, but this was the first US incarnation. The producers actually advertised on Craigslist to recruit would-be contestants that first year. The first two seasons […]

Green Fire Log – Earth Log

Tom Sanetti invented the Earth Log at his kitchen table while trying to figure out how to effectively burn the TONS of junk mail he received in his mailbox each day. He found by combining waste paper and scrap candle wax, he could create a 100% recycled, green fire log. Tom hopes to light a […]

John Smith Interview – Storm Stoppers

The first thing Storm Stoppers creator John Smith wants the world to know before he goes on Shark Tank is he’s NOT in the witness protection program! “John Smith is my real name,” he said emphatically when I spoke with him recently. Mr. Smith pitches Storm Stoppers, a system of corrugated plastic panels that replaces […]

Dress for Success: What to Learn from the Sharks

This Guest Post is written by Dave Landry Jr. Dave is an entrepreneur and online journalist living in Southern California. When he’s not busy catching up with his favorite TV shows, he often covers business communications, globalization, media marketing, and virtual technology in his writing. You can connect with him on Twitter here. Part reality […]

Toilet Stool – Squatty Potty

Shark Tank has seen its share of crappy business ideas, but Squatty Potty – a toilet stool that puts you in the proper pooping posture – might be the crappiest! Mother and son entrepreneurs Judy and Bobby Edwards think their product is crappy too, but in a very healthy way! They’ll pitch Squatty Potty to […]

PipCorn Organic Mini Popcorn

Jeff and Jen Martin are a brother and sister team that likes snacking on their Pipcorn, popcorn made from heirloom corn kernels. They’ll pitch their Pipsnacks line, which features Pipcorn, in episode 610. Pipcorn was a product, and a snack, born from an empty pantry. Back in 2010, Jeff was helping Jen move and the […]