It’s always exciting to follow the success of a Shark Tank funded business. This week’s show profiled Nicole Townend of Teddy Needs A Bath ®, now available in over 450 Babies R Us stores nationwide. Sales are on track to hit $1,000,000 over the next 12 months. Originally, Nicole’s deal with Mark Cuban included $100,000 […]
Fiberfix Update Interview – Eric Child
It shouldn’t take long for Shark Tank to broadcast a FiberFix update segment; the company is poised to explode and Fiber Fix is going to be the next ubiquitous item in homes everywhere. I spoke with Eric Child recently to get a quick FiberFix update interview after their segment aired. My suspicions were confirmed: FiberFix […]
Rufflebutts Update Interview – Mark and Amber Schaub
Mark and Amber Schaub took some time to speak with me for a Rufflebutts update interview. They spoke about their business history, their trip to the Shark Tank, and what drives them as entrepreneurs. We chatted for over an hour and if they lived in my area, they’re the type of folks my wife and […]
Engagement Photography
James Ambler brings his engagement photography and proposal planning business called Paparazzi Proposals to the Shark Tank in episode 508 on November 8. Remember when you “popped the question” to your loved one? Wouldn’t it be nice to have beautiful photos of the moment you asked and the reaction on her face? That’s what Ambler […]
Belly Buds
Belly Buds are head phones for babies; the hook is the babies listen to music and voices through these headphones in the womb. Entrepreneur Curtis Williams got the idea for BellyBuds when his then pregnant wife read somewhere that audio stimulation for babies in utero helped develop sound and voice recognition patterns. She put her […]
Bread Pudding
Sarah Schulz believes in doing things herself, which is what prompted her to start Schulzies Bread Pudding. She always liked bread pudding, but she couldn’t find any up to her discerning standards, so she started making her own. Before long, she had a list of over 100 recipes and she was selling bread pudding at […]
Pet Paint
Pet Paint inventor and “dogtrepreneur” Abe Geary loves dogs so much, he wants to decorate them! We’ve all seen people put on face paint and body paint to celebrate a special occasion or to root for the home team, Geary wants folks to paint their pooch with Pet Paint. Since dogs like to lick themselves, […]
Ask the Finance Expert
This week I asked Dan Casey, our finance expert, some common questions from small business owners and entrepreneurs. If you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner and have a financial question for Dan, leave a comment. He’ll try and answer them in the coming weeks. What is an alternative finance company? An alternative finance company […]
Tree Tee Pee
Johnny Georges hopes the Sharks will ante up on his water conservation and tree sapling protector called Tree Tee Pee in episode 501. Mr Georges invented the Tree Tee Pee way back in 1986 as a way to conserve while watering citrus tree saplings in his native Florida. The Tree Tee Pee also protects against […]
Electric Body Board
The Kymera electric body board is the coolest new product to come to the Shark Tank since the SoloWheel. Entrepreneur Jason Woods has been develeoping this product for nearly ten years and he hopes to get some Sharks to invest in episode 501 on November 1. Kymera is billed as a personal watercraft, kind of […]