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180Cup will bring Sharks and viewers back to the days of college and keg parties. It might just have some folks playing the Shark Tank Drinking Game too! Entrepreneur Soloman Falls hopes the Sharks see the utility of the “standard red drinking cup” with a shot glass embedded in the bottom. simply do a 180 with […]

Rapid Ramen Update

Christopher Johnson scored a deal with Mark Cuban in episode 503 and I contacted him to get a Rapid Ramen update to see how things were going. Chris gave a very detailed pre-show interview prior to airing, but I wanted to see what’s changed since his segment aired. I contacted Chris, who is SUPER BUSY […]

Green Cleaning Products

A green cleaning products company hopes to clean up with an investment in episode 501 on Friday, November 1. Tim Barklage and Kevin Tibbs, founders of Better Life, hope the Sharks will come across with some green as they pitch their business. Green cleaning products aren’t new to the Shark Tank; James Mitchell unsuccessfully pitched Pure […]

Credit Card Processing and Factoring

Total Merchant Resources, a credit card processing and cash advance business out of New Jersey pitches their business in Shark Tank Episode 509. This is the first credit card processing business to appear in the Tank and I believe the first financial services business as well. Total Merchant Resources provides credit card processing services to […]

Haunted Hayrides

Halloween comes early to the Shark Tank this Friday in episode 509 as Ten Thirty One Productions brings its troupe of frighteners to pitch their haunted hayrides. Ten Thirty One Productions is the brainchild of former media executive Melissa Carbone who produces the haunted hayrides in Los Angeles. The seasonal attraction scared over 100,000 patrons since […]

Slawsa relishes opportunity to pitch in the “Shark Tank”

I’m no stranger to Slawsa, or many other relishes and condiments for that matter, so when I got the news that an old Hot Dog Stories fan and supporter was going on Shark Tank, I was pretty excited! Julie Busha, who pitches her Slawsa in to the Sharks on November 15, sent me over this […]

The Elephant in the Room

Ever hear of “the elephant in the room?” It’s like a big cloud hanging over people, many times those who are closest to us. The elephant in the room is that topic of discussion nobody wants to bring up. Jason and Amanda Adams, founders of Elephant Chat, found a unique way to get that elephant […]

Fiber Fix

Fiber Fix is truly a home repair break through product. It’s one of those products that has an “As Seen on TV” feel to it, but it’s not your typical junky, fad product. FiberFix is basically duct tape on steroids; it’s a tape that can fix just about anything from a broken pipe to the […]

Shell Bobbers Update Interview with Jeff Stafford

There is a Shell Bobbers update segment in episode 509 in season 5 on October 25. Shell Bobbers is one of those simple, little products that catches on and makes someone rich. In this case, entrepreneurs Jeff Stafford and Dusty Holloway hooked a Shark when Mark Cuban invested in their fishing bobbers made from shot-gun […]

From Hot Dog Stories to Shark Tank!

I got some SLAWESOME news last night! A woman I’ve known for a couple of years is going on Shark Tank on November 15. Julie Busha is going to pitch her Slawsa – a combination of cole slaw, mustard and salsa – on the show. Slawsa on Hot Dog Stories I first met Julie as […]