Premium jeans for women are the latest clothing related business to wade into the Shark Tank when Dallas area entrepreneurs Aimee Miller and Megan Jackson-Carreker pitch Hip Chix Jeans to the Sharks in episode 416. Blue jeans are a ubiquitous and uniquely iconic American apparel; just about everyone owns a pair of jeans (or two). Men […]
Duck Hunting Camouflage Gear
Duck hunting is a way of life for the hunters who enjoy it. Although duck hunting represents a small portion of the overall hunting population, Muddy Water Camo “huntrepreneurs” Steve Maloney and Stephen Kirkpatrick hope to capture a large segment of the over 18 million hunters in the USA. Muddy Water Camo was originally designed […]
Nicole Townend Teddy Needs a Bath Interview
Nicole Townend was nervous when she walked down the hall to enter the Shark Tank. The creator of Teddy Needs a Bath was nervous for the usual reasons and more. About twenty minutes before she went onstage, her daughter spilled hot coffee all over herself and needed to go to the infirmary at the Sony […]
Online Therapy Website
When I heard Bea Arthur was pitching an online therapy business in episode 418, I wondered if the actress who played Maude on TV in the 1970’s had come back to life! The Bea Arthur who will pitch Pretty Padded Room to the Sharks is NOT that Bea Arthur. She’s a young, twenty something, psychotherapist […]
Rebecca Rescate Hoodie Pillow Post Show Update
The Hoodie Pillow had an old Shark Tank pro in their corner in episode 415 and now we’re doing a Hoddie Pillow post show update. Rebecca Rescate made a much hyped return to the Shark Tank. The season two Shark Tank Success story is the first entrepreneur to return to the Tank a second time […]
Reality Check with Cuddletunes Mike Robinson
Mike Robinson got a reality check when he saw his Cuddletunes segment air in episode 415. His Shark Tank producer told him when he was done taping he’d “come off as a likeable guy.” That’s not what happened after the Shark Tank editors got their hands on the footage. Viewers might get the idea that […]
Mister Wonderful makes a Million Dollar Offer
Mister Wonderful does fewer deals than any other Shark, but he’s always making offers. He seems to make multiple offers every week, but they aren’t always accepted. Mister Wonderful makes a BIG offer in episode 418, a million dollar offer at that! There was one other million dollar offer in season four; Lori and Mark made a […]
Custom Sushi – How Do You Roll
Custom Sushi sounds like a pretty good concept to me. It sounds good to Yeun and Peter Yung, owners of a fast growing sushi franchise concept called How Do You Roll with stores in 5 states. In addition to “traditional” sushi offerings, How Do You Roll offers custom sushi: customers can build their sushi rolls with […]
Smuffins Baking in The Shark Tank
Smuffins is fun to say and they’re yummy to eat. What’s are Smuffins? They’re a “muffinized” version of the iconic campfire snack, the S’more. Entrepreneur Carmen Lindner will feed the Sharks some Smuffins in episode 418. She’s pitching Gotta Have S’More, the latest food biz to pitch the Sharks and the first purveyor of confections […]
New Hampshire Teens Swim in Shark Tank
These six Londonderry, New Hampshire teens (actually a couple of them aren’t even teens yet) are set to take the nation by storm when they appear on Shark Tank episode 418. They aren’t your stereotypical kids who loll around playing video games, they’re part of the Inventioneers, a group formed to compete in the First […]