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Reality Check with Cuddletunes Mike Robinson

Mike Robinson got a reality check when he saw his Cuddletunes segment air in episode 415. His Shark Tank producer told him when he was done taping he’d “come off as a likeable guy.” That’s not what happened after the Shark Tank editors got their hands on the footage. Viewers might get the idea that […]

Mister Wonderful makes a Million Dollar Offer

Mister Wonderful does fewer deals than any other Shark, but he’s always making offers. He seems to make multiple offers every week, but they aren’t always accepted. Mister Wonderful makes a BIG offer in episode 418, a million dollar offer at that! There was one other million dollar offer in season four; Lori and Mark made a […]

Custom Sushi – How Do You Roll

Custom Sushi sounds like a pretty good concept to me. It sounds good to Yeun and Peter Yung, owners of a fast growing sushi franchise concept called How Do You Roll with stores in 5 states. In addition to “traditional” sushi offerings, How Do You Roll offers custom sushi: customers can build their sushi rolls with […]

Smuffins Baking in The Shark Tank

Smuffins is fun to say and they’re yummy to eat. What’s are Smuffins? They’re a “muffinized” version of the iconic campfire snack, the S’more. Entrepreneur Carmen Lindner will feed the Sharks some Smuffins in episode 418. She’s pitching Gotta Have S’More, the latest food biz to pitch the Sharks and the first purveyor of confections […]

New Hampshire Teens Swim in Shark Tank

These six Londonderry, New Hampshire teens (actually a couple of them aren’t even teens yet) are set to take the nation by storm when they appear on Shark Tank episode 418. They aren’t your stereotypical kids who loll around playing video games, they’re part of the Inventioneers, a group formed to compete in the First […]

Hand Held Cooler

A thirteen-year-old hand held cooler business makes its way into the Shark Tank in episode 415. My Cold Snap is basically an over-sized drink tumbler with a snapping mechanism that keeps a canned or bottled beverage cold for up to an hour. It does this by keeping ice and water in the hand held cooler, […]

Rabbi Moshe Wiess Soundbender Interview

A Rabbi is the last person you’d expect to see on Shark Tank, but Rabbi Moshe Weiss was a huge hit last Friday in episode 415. His pitch was humorous, entertaining, informative, and he had his numbers down pat. The Sharks like Rabbi Moshe and so did the many fans tweeting on the #SharkTank hashtag. […]

Recycled Dry Cleaning Bag

A re-usable Dry Cleaning bag seems like an idea whose time has come. So did husband  and wife entrepreneurs Rick Siegel and Jennie Nigrosh. They got sick of throwing away tons of plastic dry cleaning bags, s o they created The Green Garmento. Nearly 130 million POUNDS of plastic dry cleaning bags are tossed away every […]

Apply to Shark Tank: Now Casting Season 5

Shark Tank is accepting applications and casting season 5. If you ever want to be on the show, you need to apply to Shark Tank. We have some information on how to do that on the Shark Tank Auditions & Casting page. Lots of people want to know how they can get on Shark Tank. There […]

Coffee Pouches instead of Chewing Tobacco

Coffee Pouches as a substitute for chewing tobacco? This sounds like one of the strangest “food” items to hit the Shark Tank in quite some time. Billed as an energy supplement and chewing tobacco alternative by entrepreneurs Matt Canepa and Pat Pazet, Grinds Coffee Pouches are catching on with major and minor league ball players […]