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ReKixx ReMyxx Sneaker Update

ReKixx sneakers may or may not be familiar to Shark Tank fans, but ReMyxx Sneakers ought to ring a bell. ReMyxx Sneakers founder Gary Gagnon got a deal on the air from Daymond in episode 312, the season three finale of Shark Tank. Since then, Gary changed the name to ReKixx. Episode 312 has a […]

Failure Stories from the Shark Tank

Failure stories don’t get featured on Shark Tank in the update segments. Why would they? Shark Tank wants to feature success stories. Plenty of entrepreneurs “fail” by not getting a deal, but manage to parlay their appearance on the show into further success for their business. Those stories get plenty of coverage; some companies that […]

The Cold Hard Truth About The Sharks

The Cold Hard Truth about Shark Tank and investors is that everything happening on the show also happens in the real world negotiations between investors and entrepreneurs. That’s the beauty of the show. That does not mean what happens on the show happens in every negotiation, but all the scenarios do play out in the […]

Gifts from The Shark Tank for the Holidays

Gifts will be on many people’s minds in the coming weeks as the Holiday Season cranks into full gear after Thanksgiving. Fans of the hit TV show Shark Tank have many choices for gifts this year. What better way to celebrate the holiday season than gifts from your favorite entrepreneurial TV show? There are many […]

1 Great Business Lesson for Entrepreneurs from Shark Tank

Every day, you can find an article about a valuable business lesson or lessons that the hit TV show Shark Tank can teach entrepreneurs. There are articles and blog posts about “Ten Business lessons about this” or “A valuable business lesson about that.” Granted, the Shark Tank is a rare animal in the television jungle; […]

Tie Try the Netflix of Ties

Tie Try, billed as the “Netflix of Ties,” takes a dip in the Shark Tank in episode 411. Entrepreneur Scott Tindle will pitch the Sharks on his business that, for a monthly subscription fee of $12 to $30, allows men to have a new tie sent to them to wear. When the ties are returned, […]

David Cox PC Classes Online Follow up

David Cox brought PC Classes Online into the Shark Tank last Friday. He hoped the Sharks would see the educational benefit of his online school to teach people how to use their computers, instead he got schooled by the Sharks, or should I say by the Shark Tank editors. I spoke to David last week […]

Why is Reality TV Show Shark Tank a Ratings Hit?

The Reality TV Show phenomena has grown to almost grotesque proportions. Reality TV shows started out with a few experiments like the grandaddies of them all, MTV’s Real Life and CBS’s Survivor. Now, the Reality TV show landscape is littered with an exponentially increasing amount of niche interest programming from gypsy weddings to celebrity ghost […]

Shelton Wilder The Shemie’s Modern Woman

Shelton Wilder didn’t plan to discuss her personal life when she appeared on Shark Tank in episode 407. She did have a plan though – a business plan. Shelton literally launched her business, The Shemie, in the Shark Tank. The sexy, savvy entrepreneur has been in the fashion industry since she was sixteen and used […]

Corks Away Wine Adventures

Corks Away Wine Adventures sails into the Shark Tank during episode 411 to pitch their wine themed sailboat tours. Entrepreneurs Nathan Buffet and Shane Cianciolo (better known as Captain Nate and Shane) have been sailing the shore ways of Long Beach, California for years and about three and a half years ago they rebuilt an […]