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Heat Helper Spoiler Alert

The Heat Helper will be featured on this Friday’s Episode of  the Shark Tank TV Show on ABC. The device takes the heated exhaust from any electric dryer (it will not work on gas dryers) and recycles it to the interior of your home. Their website claims a single load of laundry can suck the warmth out […]

Twitter Bits from #Sharktank TV Shows

The Shark Tank feeding frenzy typically starts at around 7:30 PM eastern time- a half hour before the show starts. That’s when the sharks start tweeting at #Sharktank. The tweets fly fast and furious, but the sharks do answer questions from “regular folks” throughout the half hour preceding the show. If it weren’t for tweaking […]

Raven Thomas & The Painted Pretzel

Raven Thomas founder, The Painted Pretzel is my pick to send Shark Tank fans online immediately to order her specialty Gourmet Pretzels. The last time an event happened like what I’m anticipating tonight, was caused by Barbara Corcoran’s investment in Kim Nelson’s Daisy Cakes. She had over 70,000 visits in the first three minutes of […]

Shark Tank Episode 302 Predictions

Rick Hopper, Founder of SpecSecure by ReadeREST KIRK:  My Shark Tank Predictions start with Rick Hopper, Founder of ReadeREST, The company that manufacturers SpecSecure. I’m not sure that he’s going to land a deal with The Sharks. His product is useful, but does he have a big enough audience to excite The Sharks? He clearly […]

SpecSecure by Readerest Rick Hopper

SpecSecure by Readerest founder, Rick Hopper enters The Shark Tank to pitch his invention, an eye glass holder designed to keep spectacles from falling on the floor when loosely left in the pocket. Even though the SpecSecure Readerest is designed for glasses, customers have been found to use it for other purposes such as holding Bluetooth phone […]

ShowNo Shelly Ehler Exclusive Interview

Shelly Ehler continues to impress me even more after I spoke with her last night in an over the phone interview. She said she felt sick to her stomach for the three weeks leading up to her appearance on the show and just before she walked out on the set, she mouthed a profane word […]

Jared Joyce Video Shark Tank Promo

They finally came clean with what Jared Joyce will be pitching on Shark Tank. Kirk was right!

Sales Cure All

I just finished reading Daymond John’s interview with Inc. Magazine entitled “Why I Invest In People, Not Companies.” In this interview, Daymond echos many mantras I have embraced as a lifelong salesman and entrepreneur. One thing he stresses is trust. In order to invest in a company, whether it is on the Shark Tank or […]

Jared Joyce, Inventor: Mad Genius or Shark Bait

Fans and followers of the Shark  Tank have surely seen Jared Joyce’s video from Kirk’s post yesterday.  It is unclear- probably intentionally so- exactly what Jared will be pitching to the sharks. This is somewhat unusual for the shark tank since most entrepreneurs have one specific product to pitch. Kirk guessed he’d be pitching his […]

M3 Girl Designs

M3 Girl Designs is run by the mother/daughters team of Diane, Maddie, and Margot Bradshaw. The trio of female entrepreneurs appeared on Shark Tank and embodied one of the more curious business on the show to date. Two kids and a mom selling crafts is not unusual in itself, what makes M3 Girl Designs unique […]