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Pop Up Play – STEM Based Playhouses for Kids

Pop Up Play creators Amelia Cosgrove and Bryan Thomas know one thing for certain: kids LOVE forts. Kids also love their (or their parents’) tablets and iPhones. The husband and wife team figured out a way to merge the two and educate kids along the way with their concept. Kids design their own forts or […]

Get Away Tiny House Vacation Rentals

Pete Davis and Jon Staff want people to get away from their hectic lives and get closer to nature. They deliver the promise with their tiny house rental/vacation business called Getaway. Tiny homes on wheels are the new rage in the USA as many people want to simplify their lives. Getaway offers an introduction to […]

Cricket Chips by Chirps & Six Foods

Laura D’Asaro and Rose Wang feed bugs to the Sharks while they pitch Chirps, their cricket chips, in episode 815 this Friday. This is the second time crickets are in the Shark Tank. The show first saw crickets as food when Chapul, a cricket flour maker, got a deal with Mark Cuban in season five. Mark […]

Mama’s Milkbox Eaten Alive by the Sharks

Elena Petzold of Mama’s MilkBox is on a mission to support nursing moms, but she needs to first understand how her business works. As a breastfeeding apparel subscription service she is using a business model that requires buying inventory upfront. It’s painful to watch someone trying to use passion and enthusiasm to mask their ignorance […]

Pumped Up Bar Bell Apparel Falls Flat

I love it when people surprise you. Take for instance Bar Bell Apparel owner Karl Workman. It would be easy to categorize him as a jock, meathead, beefcake, or he-man. Look beyond his muscular build and you’ll find a brilliant entrepreneur that just cracked the code on a new niche in the competitive apparel market: […]

Pin Block – Construction Toy

Ukrainian immigrant Vladislav Smolyanskyy  thinks Pin Block, his innovative new construction toy, could be the next big thing in the toy business. Essentially, the product is a plastic, interconnecting building block. All the blocks are the same size and connect with two pins. They come in a ton of different colors and there are instructions for building a […]

Arm and Leg Warmers by Nice Pipes

Lisa Binderow created Nice Pipes arm and leg warmers to give herself a stylish yet comfortable way to keep her arms and legs warm while going to the yoga studio in chilly New York City. She’s a yoga enthusiast who wears her yoga pants a lot. Wool leg warmers kept her warm, but they scratched her […]

Mama’s Milk Box – Breast Feeding Style

Mama’s Milk Box creator Elena Petzold created the business she pitches on Shark Tank from another business. She had solid success with a company called Maternity Girl where she curated and sold fashionable maternity clothing at markets, trunk shows, and home parties. While doing so, she found an unmet demand for good-looking breast feeding clothing for […]

GreaseBags – Eco-Friendly Grease Disposal

GreaseBags inventor Latangela Newsome loves to cook, but hates cleaning up the grease that inevitably comes from cooking. Whether you’re cooking a burger in a pan, chicken in the oven, or bacon, there will be grease (especially with bacon). Getting rid of the grease is messy and inconvenient – that’s where GreaseBags come in. They’re a […]

Liquid Gold by Victory Coffee

Navy Seal sniper, TV Personality and motivational speaker Cade Courtley calls his Victory Coffee “liquid gold.” He developed a passion for a good cup of coffee when he was a Seal. He says it was the one thing that kept him grounded while in combat areas. He developed his business after leaving the service to […]