You don’t have to be Einstein to know a healthy brain is a good thing, that’s why Trevor Hiltbrand created Cerebral Success – a brain supplement that helps you “improve memory, increase focus and concentration, and energize your brain.” Hiltbrand hopes the Sharks wise up and invest in his business in episode 522 on April 25. Essentially, the idea behind Cerebral Success is it’s a replacement for Adderall, a much abused prescription drug for ADHD that college students take for hyper-focusing whilst cramming for finals.
Cerebral Success bill’s itself as a nutritional “brain supplement” that has all sorts of health benefits, including improved blood flow to the brain. One of the side effects is improved mental focus and energy – one of Adderall’s best side effects. The Cerebral success website has all sorts of nutritional information, and waxes eloquent about its health benefits. There are scores of testimonials on their website and Amazon, but if you scroll to the bottom of the Cerebral Success homepage, there’s the standard nutritional supplement language: “Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”
My Take on the Brain Supplement
I’m not one for nutritional supplements that make claims like this. This product is basically a bunch of vitamins and fancy sounding supplements making a veiled health claim. The “wink wink, nudge nudge” allusions to Adderall leave me feeling skeptical. I’m not a customer, but Hiltbrand knows who his customer is: students who take Adderall illegally as a study aid. Whether the desired result of improved focus and mental energy is real or not, Cerebral Success sells the concept well.
Students will try anything to help with studying. In my day, college kids took speed or overdosed on their caffeinated beverage of choice when pulling an all-nighter; Cerebral Success is another vehicle for the same result. Each Cerebral Success pill comes with 80 mg of caffeine, a bit less than a cup of coffee.
Do Sharks Smell Success?
I predict a minor train wreck with this pitch. Supplements making any kind of health claims routinely get slammed by the Sharks – much like Life Caps did earlier in season 5. Any product that even hints at a health benefit raises an immediate red flag, and possible harsh scorn from the Sharks. I don’t think any Sharks bite on this one.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
I order Sharks Tank product for brain improvement. My order was for 1 bottle & was placed on line. The website that enabled a purchaser make a payment. That website offer the choice of making payment via checking account or credit card. I choose the credit card. Immediately after I clicked on the Make Payment button(?) a notice on my computer came up with another offer to purchase 2 potles of the bran enhancer if a purchaser wanted another bottle or was the one was all that was wanted. There was a message in the next screen that noted that buyer could call a number to make certain I would be billed for just one item. I called that number & was was informed that the I was billed for only one bottle of the brain enhancer. However, when I checked my bank statement a day later I found that the company who produces this item had billed me for two bottles. How What should I do to get a refud? Can’t find a website for doing this. The Shark Tank is noted as the “goup” or whatever that gave money to have an interest in the proceeds from this item. Is this item a scam or what?