Jesse Genet created the first Lumi photo printing kit in her friend’s laundry room to continue to create tee shirts, something she’d been doing since age 16. She unveils the newest version of Lumi in Shark Tank episode 622. She calls the method for the photo printing kit “the Lumi process.” What Lumi does is […]
Coffee of the Month
Entrepreneurs Samantha Meis and Conor Riley pitch Misto Box, a coffee of the month club type business, in Shark Tank episode 421. The pair started the business in mid 2012 after a successful Kickstarter campaign that got the upstart coffee of the month business off the ground. Meis and Riley met at the University of […]
Friday April 19
Friday April 19 brings a brand new Shark Tank to ABC. As season 4 winds down, this episode is the first of the final episodes bringing a successful season to a close. While thousands will be attending open casting calls in the coming weeks, Shark Tank fans will be entertained by some of the more […]
Quadra-Fire Warms up Winter
This post brought to you by QuadraFire. All opinions are 100% mine. Quadra-Fire Pellet Stoves can save you a small fortune on your heating bill and get you a tax credit in the process! Pellet stoves have been around for quite a while – they heat like a wood stove, but they use pellets made […]
Stuffed Sharks on New AMC Series Immortalized
This post brought to you by Immortalized On AMC. All opinions are 100% mine. Immortalized is a new reality TV show that highlights the world of Taxidermy. Odd or offbeat professions are great content for the new breed of reality TV, and the Immortalizers is the latest entrant in this genre. The show airs Thursdays […]
The Ultimate Bib
The ultimate bib is how entrepreneur Susie Taylor describes her hi-tech, stain resistant fabric invention, Bibbitec. Susie brings the ultimate bib into the shark tank on Friday, February 1. This Florida momtrepreneur invented bibbitec back in 2008 when she got sick of her messy kids using up multiple bibs a day. The straw that broke […]
Cats need to Chill Too
This post brought to you by Comfort Zone® products. All opinions are 100% mine. Cats are funny creatures, maybe that’s why cat related businesses have done well on Shark Tank! If you have a cat, hopefully it’s a calm and collected one. There is nothing worse than a cat that is a bit too excited! […]
New Way to Bank in the New Year
This post brought to you by ableBanking. All opinions are 100% mine. I remember going to our small, local bank every Saturday morning with my little brother when I was a kid. We shared a paper route and we had to “settle up” with the distribution office every Saturday. Our next stop would be the […]
Bank on Christmas Giving
This post brought to you by ableBanking. All opinions are 100% mine. The Christmas season has always been a season of giving. Couple the spirit of the season with getting year end tax deductions in order, and you have a nice recipe for charitable giving. Like many, our family helps our favorite charities at this […]
Save and Give with ableBanking
This post brought to you by ableBanking. All opinions are 100% mine. The other day I wrote about Northeast Bank’s new online banking venture, ableBanking. Online banking is something most banks offer since it saves them money; why pay a teller when the customer can perform most of a teller’s functions online? What most banks […]
Interview with Raven Thomas
“Raven Thomas and the Painted Pretzel,” sounds like the title of a fairy tale story you might read to a child. After her Painted Pretzel business was funded by Mark Cuban on Shark Tank, you could make a strong argument for the “happily ever after” tale of this Arizona mom and her fledgling business. Mark […]