Cool Wazoo, a multi purpose baby cover, is the latest baby related product to jump into the Shark Tank in season four. Entrepreneur Ginelle Mills hopes the Sharks like her 5 in 1 baby pad that functions as a heat shield for hot car seats and swings, large diaper changing surface, Restaurant high chair cover, and Grocery cart cover. She brings the Cool Wazoo to episode 410 to help Shark Tank usher in sweeps month and celebrate the show’s move to the 9 PM time slot.
Previews of episode 410 depict Ginelle Mills as being very emotional in her pitch. Perhaps we will see another inspirational tear-jerker of a show Friday. But will the Sharks fund the Cool Wazoo?
History of the Multi Purpose Baby Cover
Ginelle Mills is a mother to three young girls. Her “AHA moment” came as a new mom when her daughter was nearly scorched by a swing at the playground. Mills found that even on an 80 degree day, the surface of a swing can reach 150 degrees, which can cause burns on a young child’s skin. This led her to invent the Cool Wazoo by Cheerful Child, a pad that reflects heat back to its source when laced on a hot surface such as a swing or a hot baby car seat.
Creating just a heat shield wasn’t enough for Ginelle, she wanted other functionality for busy moms on the go. Cool Wazoo has several functions, but more importantly, it’s convenient and fits easily in a purse or diaper bag when it is all folded up. The Cool Wazoo also acts as a germ barrier for changing diapers in public places.
How Cool is Cool Wazoo to the Sharks?
Baby products are big business; we saw Tereson Dupuy’s huge sales numbers in episode 403 and, even though she didn’t get a deal, the global reach of quality baby products caused the sharks to sit up and take notice. Cool Wazoo, unlike diapers, isn’t a “must have” item, but it is a product that many moms (and dads) would find useful while on the go with a little one. It would surely be a staple baby shower gift for any mom.
According to her Facebook page, Ginelle was granted a utility patent for Cool Wazoo earlier in October, so the whole patent issue that rears its head in the Shark Tank from time to time won’t be an issue. Cool Wazoo was featured on several TV programs, most notably the Today Show back in 2011 and the syndicated talk show The Doctors in 2012.
The product would certainly fit well on the shelves of any baby specialties store and could even move in major big box retailers too. If Ginelle has decent sales and she has a proper valuation, the Sharks may bite. It could be a good QVC product, so if Lori thinks it’s a hero, she could bite. Daymond seems to be the only other logical target for such a product because of his retail connections. Robert and Mark will probably like the product too, but will they be able to bring value to the venture? Mr. Wonderful may nibble with a licensing or royalties offer, but my money is on Daymond or Lori making a bid for Cool Wazoo.
What do you think, are you “IN” or “OUT?”

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
Definitely In! What a clever idea!
Sorta stupid idea, not too well-thought-out. For one thing, It begs the question, “what does one do with the diapers, bottles, etc., that were in the diaper bag when the bag is functioning as a baby seat cover, shopping cart cover, swing cover, or whatever?” Plus, the inventor is sooo un-savvy, naive, and downright “stay at home mommy-like” it’s scary (ex. despite having fanaggled two appearances on national TV [opportunities most people would kill for – makes one wonder jus how THAT happened] she managed to lose $96,000, have absolutely no inventory, and have only a handful of orders). Sadly, the investment that was made was clearly done only in sympathy to the tears.
You are very confused. This is not a diaper bag! You just put it in your diaper bag. If you are a mom you would think this was AMAZING! I love the idea, because I hate carrying around a cart seat just for one thing… a cart. To have it be multiple items is GREAT! Where can I get this?
Where can I buy?! I’ve been looking for a product like this that is multipurpose.
Seeing all the things my daughter takes just to eat with my grandson and what she pays for one of these items and this has four in one great idea! Kudos to you!
A Non, I dont thonk you paid quite clise enough attention! This product isn’t a bag that turns into all these things, it is ONE product to take the place of all those other things we have to carry in the diaper bag! It is extremely well thought out. I personally would buy it not just for my own child, but it would make a great shower gift! Who cares if she isnt business savvy? Nobody else came up with the idea!
Great site, valuable and very useful information,you has provided us for that I really thankful to you.