CozyBug Pillowcase entrepreneur Aly Lessor jumps in the Shark Tank with her line of pillowcase dress inspired fashion for girls. The business is very new, so new that they aren’t indexed on the web yet and they don’t even have a Facebook page! This mystery business was nowhere to be found online prior to Friday. I suspect that will change, deal or not!
CozyBug Pillowcase Dresses
Cozy Bug actually has pillowcase dress inspired dresses. Pillowcase dresses have been a crafters hobby for years. Cozy Bug takes the design idea a step further by allowing the dress to grow with the child. So far, the dresses are only available online, so sales are hard to determine. The company will most likely be looking for retail distribution and branding, something Daymond should be most qualified to help her with.
Pre Show Hype for CozyBug
The ABC press release has been SCREAMING about fireworks during this pitch for weeks, so maybe some of the other Sharks jump in too. It’s funny that such a highly touted pitch features a company that is so hard to find. Usually, when a company receives such a big amount of hype on the ABC press releases, they shout about it everywhere!
Does Cozy Bug do a Deal?
I have a hunch Cozy Bug gets a deal. Maybe the PR machine wants to make a big splash on show night and have a launch right after the show. Keeping things mum can create more anticipation and make people want it more! My guess is if they have such hype, without otherwise letting the world know, is they are trying to create that anticipation and make a bigger entry out of the Shark Tank. I think either Daymond or Lori jumps on this- that’s where the fireworks come from.
I am “IN!”

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
Re cycled fabric ! The owner of the product mentioned that she sold 300000 on a website that allows u to sell 3 days monthly – could not understand the name of the site – can you provide it or transcript of tonite’s show – thank you
zulily is the website
Subpar designs and a low-demand product. You can throw a rock and find a seamstress in every small town and major city in America that makes dresses like these. And to be honest – far better ones. This would be a waste of an investment.
I will say she got lucky. I wore these as a child in the South 30 years ago.
Nothing new, nothing unique, and honestly did not appear well made.
Almost appeared set up?
I think this made the “sharks” look really stupid that they jumped on this. These are NOT unique. Simple google search of pillowcase dress and you will find them everywhere! Specifically do a search on I sell them. Yes, even with the cute little monogram on the front. There are free tutorials online for these. However, it does make her look like a genius that she got their money!
I was very surprised she got a deal and that more than one Shark wanted it. The previous comment was correct, these pillow case dresses are not unique by any means. I also make them, not from pillow cases but from beautiful fabric and I also embellish them with hand sewn pearls, beads, etc.
I happy for her though. I wish her the best and hope she is successful! That is what we all are striving for.
While I did not see the show, a friend was telling me about it! My 11 year old helped make a bunch of these dresses to donate to orphanages in Africa. It is all the rage in charity right now. They are very simple to make, hard to stop everyone from copying as there are a zillion different tutorials out there, and I’ve seen cuter ones that we’ve donated! Are the Sharks living under a rock???
I also have a store selling pillowcase dresses online. I have to say that anyone that can divide can figure that at her prices (which I can’t believe she actually sells them for) made 6,250 of them by herself in one month. Physically impossible! I also cannot believe The Sharks bought this line!
This deal couldn’t have gone through. It surely died in the due diligence phase. I didn’t buy the numbers either. Based on the total lack of Shark Tank hype on their website and an alarmingly absent social media presence, I’d say this deal never went down.
Glad to see that someone can divide the figures
CozyBug was offering 90% off on Zulily yesterday!
So if she made 6250 of these a month and it cost her $6 to make them, that means she profited $42 a dress…times 6250 is $262,500…IN ONE MONTH. $50k is chump change at that point. She’d also be making 208 a day by herself. I bet one person can make like 10-20 a day at the max. Glad I found this page because I thought she HAD to be lying about those numbers…it kind of bothered me! Thought it was interesting the sharks reactions, they never heard of pillow case dresses before, I bet they had no clue this wasn’t innovative. Every other stay at home mom in the south makes these.
It takes me about 2 hours to make one. If she worked 12 hours a day she would only make 6.