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4 Crazy Shark Tank Moments

Here is a detailed account of the craziest Shark Tank moments which viewers remember even after 15 years.

best shark tank momentsCredit: ABC Entertainment Press Site


  • Shark Tank offers a variety of emotions to its audiences.
  • To date, the viewers have come across numerous episodes filled with crazy moments of laughs and fights.
  • The success of the show is heavily dependent on these uniquely unforgettable moments.

There are reality television shows, and then there are shows like Shark Tank, ones which offer viewers with wholesome experiences. 

If you’re a dedicated Shark Tank follower, you must know that the widely loved reality show is much more than “business-related fundamentals.” With almost a 15-year long run on television, it has pushed hundreds of rising entrepreneurs a step closer to their dreams. But along with this serious stuff, from time to time, it has showcased countless moments of craziness, verbal spats, and hilarity. 

Be it wacky Shark Tank products, over-the-top pitches, or arguments among the Sharks, viewers have loved episodes in which they have to burst into moments of laughter or find themselves shocked.

Here is a detailed list of some of the best Shark Tank moments that have contributed towards turning the show from ordinary to unique:

1. Haven – The Tale of the Unbreakable Door

In one of the most hysterically crazy episodes, Haven fixed its position in the list of Shark Tank’s most hilarious pitches. 

Alex Bertelli and Clay Banks came up seeking $500K for 6% equity with their product to keep intruders out. Elaborating further, they described the Haven lock as a wedge that keeps doors secured from inside. 

It is manufactured out of military-grade nylon, steel, and polycarbonate and is laid at the door base. To activate its functioning, one can use the Haven app or a key fob. Upon doing so, the wedge rises, and the door gets fully secured.

But things took a crazy turn when both of them challenged the idea that any regular deadlock could be broken in five attempts. To prove the point, Alex went on to give a live demo by kicking on a door secured with a deadlock, which the production placed on the set. But he failed miserably, which made the Sharks burst into laughter. 

Towards the end, he finally broke the deadlock and burst open the door by flying in like some action hero. This made the pitch one of the funniest ever in the show’s history.

2. Pavlok – Mr Wonderful Abused Pavlok Founder

Sharks losing their cool on an entrepreneur is not new on Shark Tank. But in the case of Pavlok, Mr Wonderful couldn’t control his temper. Here’s what happened:

Maneesh Sethi, an aspiring entrepreneur from Boston, came to the tank seeking an investment of $500K in exchange for 3.14% equity for his product. Pavlok is a “shock clock watch,” which, according to Maneesh, helps get rid of bad habits and create good ones. 

Pitching it as a wearable that tracks what you do and changes what you do, he explained the scientific background behind the device’s functioning.

None of the Sharks seemed interested in the product. They even expressed their doubts about its scientific proof. Mark Cuban was so annoyed that he even called him a “con artist.” But then there was Kevin O’Leary who offered $500K in exchange for 3.14%, which is to be repaid as a loan at an interest rate of 7% over 2 years.

Manish rejected his offer, saying that he is not keen on making money but is focused only on breaking bad habits. To meet that purpose, Mr Wonderful isn’t the investor who would be good for his business.

Additionally, he said that he’s ready to work with anyone but Kevin. Hearing this, an infuriated Kevin just couldn’t hold back. He abused Manish on live TV and asked him to “get the (bleep) out” of the show. This was undoubtedly one of the most crazy Shark Tank moments.

3. Simple Habit – Things Get Heated During a Meditation App Pitch

Could you ever imagine that a pitch for a meditation company would have met with the most aggressive reactions amongst the Sharks? Well, this happened during the Simple Habit negotiations.

Yunha Kim came to the tank with Simple Habit, a meditation app specially curated for people with busy lifestyles. Seeking an investment worth $600K for 5% of her business, Yunha described the app’s functioning and benefits. 

However, the real drama unfolded during the negotiations when Richard Branson threw water on Mark Cuban because he didn’t like how Mark mocked his offer. To this, Mark retaliated and threw back the water on Richard. Both the sharks and the viewers were hugely shocked to see how two veteran businessmen were having a showdown on national television.

After this weird little encounter, the other Sharks continued the regular negotiation process. Robert made a joint offer with Richard at $600K for 20%, i.e., $300K for 10% each. To everyone’s surprise, Yunha suddenly started crying and said her company was driven to change peoples’ lives. Robert came down to 15%, but Yunha disagreed, so the deal didn’t go through.

4. Scholly – When The Sharks Walked Out

In one of the most intense and crazy bidding battles in Shark Tank’s history, three Sharks walked out of the set.

Christopher Gray came up to the tank seeking an investment of $40K for 15% for Scholly, a new-age app. The app is specifically designed for students struggling with high college fees by hunting scholarship programs and helping them clear away any loans.

Before the negotiations could get any deeper, Lori Greiner stopped him in the middle and offered to give him just what he wanted, i.e., $40K for 15%. The other Sharks got miffed and expressed their concerns. 

While the arguments were still on, Daymond John joined in the negotiations and offered Christopher a combined offer with Lori worth $40K for 15% equity. Delighted by the same, Christopher agreed to it. Post his exit, the other three Sharks walked out in anger, increasing the level of drama in the show.


The success of Shark Tank can’t be attributed to just the number of deals closed or the number of companies that have earned a multi-million dollars. Instead, it is propelled by many crazy Shark Tank moments, which are etched forever in the hearts of the audiences.


1. Christopher Gray, Forbes

2. Yunha Kim, Forbes

About Rob Merlino

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.

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