Charisse and Vicky Pasche initially created Dapper Boy clothing to express a sense of pride in the LGBTQ lifestyle. They wanted gender neutral clothing that fit them properly. Prior to creating their line of clothing, they either shopped for clothes in the women’s or men’s department. Neither suited their tastes or fit properly (or both). That’s when they decided to create their first product: a pair of jeans that looked like men’s jeans but fit a woman’s curves.
Since selling that first pair of jeans on Kickstarter, they’ve added to their line. Each time they wanted to add a new item, they crowdfunded it on their website. Now the Dapper Boy clothing line boasts a wide variety of options from blazers to bathing suits. The line is aimed at women who want an androgynous look, but the couple claims men love their jeans too.
The company has been around since 2015 and they claim they have a small, niche (but growing) customer base. With over $1.7 million in lifetime sales, they aren’t a fashion jugernaught yet. They’re hoping their Shark Tank appearance will net some cash to fuel growth and some needed exposure.
My Take on Dapper Boy Clothing
I don’t even own a pair of jeans. My wardrobe could be considered androgynous though: all I wear is basketball shorts, bathing suits and tee shirts. My wife tells me my wardrobe is a step above the “homeless guy look.” Getting “dressed up” for me is donning a pair of chinos and a polo shirt, which is a look Dapper Boy would probably emulate.
I’m not a customer, but I get what they’re doing. They’re creating a clothing brand that speaks to their community. Doing that guarentees a loyal, if limited audience. They may never be Levi’s or Guess as a brand, but a loyal, niche customer base can make for a successful business.
Are Sharks Feeling Dapper?
This business could field an offer or two if the valuation isn’t ridiculous. Niche businesses can find a Shark as a partner and have done so in the past. Mr. Wonderful invested in RounderBum back in season 9. That brand is popular with gay men and Mr. Wonderful likes the loyalty to the brand from that community. Barbara invested in Stealth Bros and Company in season 14. This company makes medical dopp kits for people who take hormone injections. This business also has a niche following.
So there are two Sharks with an inclination to partner with LGBTQ centered products. Whether they make offers on Dapper Boy will have more to do with sales and the quality of entrepreneurs than their community, but the nicheness of the business shouldn’t be an objection. Whether Mark, Daymond or Lori make offers remains to be seen, but I think Barbara or Kevin (or both) will get into the mix.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
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