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EZ VIP Alashe Nelson Scores

EZ VIP Nightclub Access

I’ve done pretty well predicting the outcomes of the deals ahead of time but EZ VIP was a miss for me. I have to hand it to Alashe Nelson, a young entrepreneur from Miami who kept a lid on what was going to happen. His site showed no signs of a Shark Tank deal at all and he did no press leading up to the show. In fact, he didn’t have anything about his new locations until the time of the show.

EZ VIP should do extremely well with new partners and investors, Daymond John and Mark Cuban, who will promote this business model. This deal was so smooth, that if anyone of the deals on Shark Tank had been staged, this would be the one that was. Still, I believe it is coincidence that Mark Cuban walked into a club in Miami on a night that Alashe had customers at and was also at himself.

The business model consolidates services for nightclubs and targets customers who have the money and want to impress clients. They simply go on his site and can buy a table, bar service and passes to the club without having to wait in line. That’s pretty smooth for people who are unknowns to club operators, giving them a chance to connect with the people that are going to spend the money they need to make margins.

The business model consolidates services for nightclubs and targets customers who have the money and want to impress clients. They simply go on his site and can buy a table, bar service and passes to the club without having to wait in line. That’s pretty smooth for people who are unknowns to club operators, giving them a chance to connect with the people that are going to spend the money they need to make margins.I’ve watched some of Alashe Nelsons tweets after the Shark Tank episode and he’s all business.

Congratulations Alashe Nelson and here’s to your future success in your business. I think you are going to do well.

Daymond John, Mark Cuban and Robert Herjavec were photographed out in Miami, the night of the EZ VIP Shark Tank Episode. That’s surprising since Robert Herjavec stated that nightlife wasn’t his thing and they wouldn’t catch him out late.

Watch for EZ VIP to be launched in major cities all across the country and who knows, maybe even Internationally.


  1. Thanks for the update – I guess I need to check out what’s Shark Tank all about.

  2. Jason Flaugh says

    Thank you for sharing Kirk. Will need to look into this

  3. last baby boomer says

    I have had a lot of experience funding start ups. Most of the time all you need do is provide the right answers to the question and you are 99% of the way there. Of course that is a hell of a lot easier than I make it sound.

  4. Tom Laing (@tomlaing) says

    Great idea, well worth emulating around the world. Thanks for the heads up.

  5. Anne Thomas says

    thanks Kirk sounds like the show I should be watching. keep up the great stuff

  6. Ramesh Shankerlal says

    Keep up the Great work Kirk!

  7. cool nice work very interesting

  8. Thanks for sharing this!

  9. Lucas Wyrsch says

    Thanks Kirk for sharing this show with us!
    Have a great Thursday!

  10. Steven Hamberg says

    Thanks for the update Kirk!

  11. Junior Pierre says

    Hey Kirk… I research most contestants on Shark Tank too… nice website!! yeah Alashae is real deal. check out his interview… a lot of good info:

  12. Out of Business

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