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Introducing the Yono Clip

the yono clipBob Mackey says the idea for the Yono Clip came to him while working out at the gym. He saw people putting gym bags and jackets on the dirty floor. Yono is short for “You Only Need One.” He thought it was disgusting that all those gym germs were getting on his stuff. He wanted a way to hang his bag or jacket anywhere, so he sketched up a rough draft of what he envisioned. What it ended up becoming is a powerful suction cup with a hook and carabiner clip for hanging stuff.

When he reached out to friends for help, Michael Green the Science Machine offered his services. He’s called that because he does science shows at Six Flags Georgia. The two men got to work and did a Kickstarter that raised a little over $9800 in July 2020 – right at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic! They also got the product built (in the USA) and shipped – a monumental task under the circumstances.

Right now, they’re not on Amazon or in stores. The Yono Clip website sells them for $19.99. For Kickstarter backers, they came in any color you want – as long as it was black. Now they come in blue, green, pink, black, white and red. This is likely why they are in the Tank: the guys proved they are “get it done” type of guys, now they need a Shark to help make this big. Will a Shark help this company get a grip?

My Take on The Yono Clip

This looks like a handy little item. I haven’t been to the gym since the pandemic started and likely won’t return since our kids got us new home gym equipment for Christmas. I hear what Bob is saying about germs at the gym though. Gyms are kind of gross with all that sweat all over everything. I can see how this would be handy there.

It’s a good thing for airport bathrooms too. Think of all the germs on those floors! My daughter said she wants one for school, so we may be ordering soon. I am in.

Will Sharks Clip a Deal Here?

In researching this business, I found the guys engaged a design and engineering firm called Aeon Omega to help produce the product. This company offers a “start to shelf service,” they even designed the Yono Clip website. This tells me Bob and Michael are good facilitators, but might need help with the business side of things – like sales and marketing.

It isn’t often a true start up is in the Tank lately and they often don’t fare well, unless they’re willing to give up a good chunk of the business. That said, I have a hunch on this one. This season, Daymond has made it clear he’s willing to make offers on businesses that really need his help. He’s been dismissive of well capitalized businesses. These guys fit that mold, so I think he does a deal with them. Besides, Daymond likes to say “YOLO” and Yono rhymes with it!

Read more about this business HERE.

About Rob Merlino

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.


  1. Has anyone else ordered this? I ordered back in February and have not recieved anything. It’s now November. I’ve sent 4 emails and no response.

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