Nikeytha “Nickey” Ramsey was sick and tired of fumbling with leaky plastic breast milk bags. After the birth of her second child, she began developing Junobie, her line of reusable breast milk storage bags. Her mission is to make life easier for moms, something her products do. The former speech pathologist has worked with many families and her difficult upbringing, which included periods of homelessness, makes her empathetic.
The bags are made of dishwasher safe, food grade silicon. She also sells storage cups, jars, breast milk ice trays, a cooling container and more. The bags sell for $19.99 for 2 or $34.99 for four. They’re on Amazon and the company website. She also has distributors world-wide.
Sales estimates for the business are all over the place online, but she must have sales. The one problem she could face is she’s not the only player in this market. There are several other reusable breast milk bags on the market, most notably a company called Zip Top. Nickey probably wants a Shark’s help getting into retail. Will a Shark put this deal in the bag?
My Take on Breast Milk Storage
We never went for disposable bags when our kids were little. We stored breast milk and formula in reusable glass bottles. While I admire the mission of using reusable silicon over plastic, glass is a more sustainable option IMHO. That said, the silicon bags look elegantly designed and functional.
I will never need this product, but many will. Even with the many competing products, just appearing in the Tank will do this business good. I’m in.
Do Sharks Bag a Deal?
I think there’s only one Shark that makes an offer. Neither Mark or Mr. Wonderful will bid – baby items aren’t their thing. The same goes for Barbara. I don’t think this is in Emma’s wheelhouse either. That leaves Lori.
Lori has a history of investing in silicon products, so she understands the manufacturing side of things. If the numbers work, I expect an offer from Lori.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
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