Lollacup enters the Shark Tank this Friday. It is a spill proof, BPA free, toddler’s sippy cup, proudly made in the USA by entrepreneur Hanna Lim. Lim invented Lollacup to allow toddlers to transition from bottles to cups; she didn’t like the alternatives on the market, so she invented her own.
Lollacup is for “the discerning parent and child” who wants a safe and convenient method for drinking beverages. My personal experience with toddlers finds most of them less discerning about the vessel their beverages are served in (and the potential mess that ensues) than their parents. As a dad, a cup that minimizes messes has an appeal, I have spent literally hundreds of dollars on sippy cups over the years.
Sippy Cup Made in the USA
I love the fact that Lollacup is committed to manufacturing in the USA. Lin keeps manufacturing in the USA to maintain standards, quality control, and to contribute to the local economy. For that, I applaud Hanna Lim, but I am not so sure the Sharks will feel the same way. I can almost hear Kevin O’Leary now: “Let’s bang out 100,000 of these in China…”
The one big problem Lollacup has, in my view as a parent, is the price point. One Lollacup costs $18.00! That’s three times what competitors in the space charge. This product isn’t the only spill proof sippy cup on the market and many parents, faced with the choice of a $4-$5 cup versus an $18 cup will go for the former option. Sure, there will be many parents who will spend that kind of money because they want “the best” for their kids, but I am not sure Hanna Lim will be able to sway the Sharks as easily as she does the well-heeled parent.
This leads to another issue for this product in the Shark Tank: Lollacup is not a proprietary product. There are dozens of spill proof sippy cups on the market and some are very similar in design. Target sells more than a dozen different kinds of sippy cups, all priced far less than a single Lollacup.
Lollacup has sales, they have very broad distribution through lots of boutique-like baby stores; what they lack is mass distribution. I don’t think the Sharks bite (or sip), though they will all profess to liking the idea. The combination of price point, competing products, and distribution cause the Sharks to go “out.”

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
I LOVE this cup! Def agree should be made in the USA! Every time I purchase the ones
Made overseas they don’t last! The easy to clean weighted straw idea
Is so amazing! I want to buy one now!!
I LOVE THIS CUP!!! It’s got everything a mom of a toddler is looking for in a cup! Made in the USA – BEST PART!! I would definitely pay the price for this cup!! Parent’s are always willing to spend money on their kids. Don’t change anything about this. Keep making it in the USA and I’ll be buying this for my kids, and as baby gifts for life!
I agree with the sharks. Produce overseas. My wife and I made that decision when we had to select a manufacturer for our Urnaments and Pet Urnaments.
I believe that my manufacturer can make your product for about $2.00 per unit.
And he is a wonderful and dedicated businessman. I had no issues as far as toxic materials or quality.
Contact me if you are interested.
Mike, I think concern for toxic material in a vessel to hold the diseased is a little more excusable than in a child’s drinking cup.
There are too many concerns in regular plastics for many parents never mind those coming out of China.
Not right for this product and the manufacture knows this.
Mike, Did you notice the natio
nality of these people who are promoting this cup? That tells me something right there and I would buy this product just because it is made in the U.S.A.
I think that people who are money hungry are the problem of our lack of work in the U.S.
Do you know that there is actually similar, almost the same idea products in Asia already? from Japan…Frog Sippy Cup….when I hear that Hannah says it is totally their idea…I call them a liar !!!
The problem will be the spare part itself, the straw, easily been chewed and broken by toddler. That is my problem now with the Frog Sippy Cup from Japan.
She could say that if she never knew about Frog Sippy Cup.
Many people could have one same idea.
Where the heck can I buy this? They are not making it easy. None avail. On the amazon link.
I would totally buy one of these sippy cups!!! Even at 18 dollars I think it is a great product and I haven’t ever heard of another sippy like it.
I have older kids, but if they were little again, I would buy this cup! Even at $18, I would buy it. And kuddos to the couple fir keeping it made in the USA!!!
I thought their presentation was amazing, and the Lollacup is a great idea. And I don’t think the $18 price point is at all a problem. Think of when you buy baby gifts or baby shower gifts — $18 is nothing compared to what you’d spend.
Can anyone help me turn my idea into reality? I have some great innovative ideas but don’t have the money to put into action. I don’t want to share my idea with anyone unless I am certain that they will not steal it from me. How can I make this work and where do I start?
Any assistance would greatly appreciated.
Hanna Lee, I applaude you for producing your product in the USA!! lets keep it home where it belongs Keep the american people working. I go out of my way to buy products MADE IN THE USA. not made in china.
I ordered the Lollacup and have yet to get any conformation or shipment information. Could someone please notify me of the status of my order? Thank You, William Butters
Where did you find a link to order this? I really, really want one for my grand daughter. Made in the US is so worth it.
Have 3 kids and have went through many different kinds of sippy cups. This looked like a great solution to actually finishing the cup-which it does but I have had the most problems with this cup leaking everywhere. The higher price paid for this I never figured it would leak this bad. waste of money!
I agree $18 is a bit high but what is the price for the health of our children? Not sure how many remember the problems with children’s products from overseas.
The problem is that there is no real quality control. They can say there is no arsenic or lead in products but that is just not the case. Look at all the kids jewelry that had Cadmium in it which causes cancer. It just wasn’t a bit it was a ton of this stuff. Our kids were putting this in their mouths and on their skin.
Again, is it worth our children’s health to buy overseas item? I would love to order this but can’t find a link to do so…can anyone send me a link?