Paskho Clothing designer Patrick Robinson has over 20 years experience working for the top fashion brands in the world. That experience made him think long and hard about the fashion industry’s sustainability. Factories that make clothing are big polluters according to the statistics listed on the Pasko Clothing website. When he started the business in 2011, he had sustainability in mind.
Robinson wants to bring clothing manufacturing back to the USA, but not in a big way. His vision is to hire people who sew his clothing (he calls them “makers”) in communities all over the country. The first community is in Gee’s Bend, Alabama, an area known for quilting. The idea is to provide jobs while creating his clothing in a non industrial environment, thus lessening the carbon footprint of his business. To date, he’s paid his makers nearly a quarter of a million dollars.
As an avid surfer from southern California, he’s all about nature and the environment, too. The self described “nature freak” give 1% of Paskho Clothing revenue to environmental groups. The clothing itself is cool and casual enough for everyday wear, yet stylish enough for the office Style doesn’t come cheap and some of the items in his online store sell for over $300. Most are in the $60-$150 range. He hopes the Sharks can help take business to the level of his vision. Will a Shark help Patrick grow his community?
My Take on Paskho Clothing
I think the clothes look cool, but I am NOT a clothes horse. 99% of the time, I dress like a beach bum. When I do get “dressed up,” it’s usually chino shorts and a golf shirt. I have one black suit for weddings and funerals.
While I am not a customer, I am a fan of his business model. I personally think we need to start making more “stuff” in the USA. Communities that had manufacturers abandon them for overseas have been decimated in my lifetime and it’s a shame. Supply chain issues that arose during the Covid-19 pandemic exposed how vulnerable we are as a society because we outsource everything. I am a big fan of anyone who wants to make something in the USA again. I’m in.
Will Sharks Want to Join This Community?
I am predicting a little chicanery with a deal for Patrick. I think Emma Grede bids on this one. She’ll like his mission and his clothes. Patrick is pretty well known in the fashion world, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they already know or know of one another.
Mark isn’t much of a clothes horse, so I don’t think he’d bid. Mr. Wonderful loves nice clothes, but his fashion sense ends with the black suit. Lori doesn’t usually invest in clothing and neither does Barbara (unless it’s a fleece lined, oversized hoodie). That leaves Emma. I expect a deal with her.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
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