Kirsten Brand created Pawnix headphones for dogs to make sure her dog, Emma, wouldn’t get frightened by loud noises like fireworks or thunder. Many dogs – 30% according to the Journal Of American Veterinary Medical Association – freak out over loud noises and Emma happens to be one of them. She got the idea when she put her own noise cancelling headphones on Emma and it calmed her.
Brand uses noise-dampening foam inside of different colored fabric to make them work. In addition to noise cancellation, the headphones have a calming swaddling effect. Pawnix headphones reduce noises up to 30dB. There are also Bluetooth speakers inside so you can play calming music for your pup. The speakers operat on a rechargeable battery which charges from a USB port.
The product has been tested by none other than Emma herself. Kirsten is able to take her to events with fireworks without having her flip out. She also wears them when there’s a thunder storm. A pair costs $199 and they come in four sizes to fit any dog. Brand has pet industry experience with Mars Petcare, so she should know the space. She likely wants some Shark cash for inventory and some help getting into retail.
My Take on Pawnix Headphones
My dog, Zoey, is a wonderful but slightly bonkers American Bulldog. She is not afraid of fireworks or thunder, but she’s terrified of the vacuum cleaner – every time I pull it out of the closet, she hides under the bed. It’s not the noise so much – she doesn’t like the sight of it. If I put these headphones on her, she’d get them off and shred them in a matter of seconds, so I won’t be buying these.
My grandmother had a Golden Retriever that was so scared of loud noises, she would literally claw through walls when things got loud. Sadly, one Fourth of July, she got so frightened by fireworks, she leapt out of a third story window to her death. I wish my grandmother had these headphones back then.
Will Sharks Bite on These Headphones?
The producers found Brand on Kickstarter and IndieGoGo. The Kickstarter campaign cancelled because it didn’t hit its goal. The IndieGoGo campaign raised $2250. If the crowdfunding market didn’t get behind it, I doubt the Sharks will either. It’s not that the product doesn’t have merit: if you have an easily frightened dog, these could literally save its life. The problem is it’s a sub niche product in a market the Sharks often avoid. Pet products don’t fare well statistically in the Shark Tank and I think Pawnix will be another to not get a deal.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
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