Geanie and Chris Rogers invented RapidRope to make hauling rope around more convenient. When you go out hiking, hunting, fishing, boating or any other outdoor activity, you might want to bring some rope along. You never know what you’re going to need it for, but rest assured if you don’t bring any with you, you WILL need it. Chris wanted to solve the problem of carrying cumbersome coils of rope on his outdoor adventures. The solution was Rapid Rope.
Chris is an outdoorsy guy. He’s a lineman but he’s also an avid hunter. In the past, he’s been both a hunting and fishing guide. One thing he always brings with him whether working or playing is rope. RapidRope makes it easier for him now. The product is a 120 foot coil of flat, braided rope that’s easily dispensed from a canister that’s not much bigger than a large beer can. Each canister comes with a built in cutting tool and instructions for the four most common knots printed on the exterior of the canister. When the rope runs out, they sell replacement coils. The braid holds 1100 pounds – that’s some strong rope!
Chris and Geanie are currently revitalizing their business which they started in 2017. Unfortunately, they put it on hold when their adopted son from Ghana contracted ulcerative colitis. For the past two years or so, they’ve focused their energy and money on getting him well again. Now that they’re “open for business” again, they have big plans. They’d like the business to eventually help fund a school in Ghana. To do that, they’ll need LOTS of sales. Maybe one of the Sharks can help with that.
My Take on RapidRope
I too like the outdoors. I do a lot of fishing and kayaking and I have several coils of rope in my fishing cart and in the back of my car. You never know what you’ll need it for – whether I have to strap a Christmas tree on the roof or lasso a shark (a real shark), rope comes in handy.
I like the concept of this product – it takes a simple item and actually makes it more convenient. At $25 for a new canister and $15 for refills, it’s competitively priced with conventional rope, too. This is a great gift for the outdoorsy guy who has it all – because he doesn’t have this – yet. I may find one of these cans in my trunk very soon. I am in.
Will Sharks Tie Up a Deal?
This is a tricky one. It’s a great invention, but it may be “too early” for the Sharks. If they can get over the lapse in the business’ life span, there may be interest. Another problem is the vagueness of how Chris wants to give some of the company money back to his proposed school in Ghana. The Sharks don’t like vague plans.
That said, my best bet on a deal is Lori. This is a product in her wheelhouse: something everyone needs, moderately priced and easily demonstrated. I am sure there are many outdoor products on QVC and this is one (if they aired around Father’s Day) that would sell out. If Lori likes it, the Rogers will leave with a deal. I don’t see the other Sharks bidding on this, except to needle Lori.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
where is rapid rope available?