This is a picture of a Shark Tank Gift Box I just got in the mail. One of the cool things about writing the Shark Tank Blog is people, like the good folks at CNBC, send me goodies. They promised me a Shark Tank gift box so I could help them promote #SharkTankTuesdays on CNBC.
CNBC also plans to air Shark Tank for FIVE NIGHTS (September 22-26) as a lead-in to the Season Six Premiere Episode on Friday September 26, which airs on ABC. Looks like a whole lotta Shark Tank in the coming weeks!
Shark Tank Gift Box
Back to the Shark Tank Gift Box. It’s a spiffy bit of packaging, to be sure.
Note the tooth marks! The picture of the Sharks is nice and there were five products inside. Each product represents a successful Shark deal.
There is a pair of Fold and Play Speakers from OrigAudio. Robert invested in this business in season 2, investing $150,000 for 15% of the company. I am going to put this aside for a Christmas gift!
The next item in the box was a Gobie Filtered Water Bottle. Gobie partnered with Daymond in season 4 when they accepted $300k for 40% of Gobie. I already have a Gobie (it’s a good water bottle), so this will be a Christmas gift, too!
Next up is some Pork Barrel BBQ Sauce. This is a business Barbara invested in way back in season one. She got 50% of the business for $50K. I am going to try this stuff out the next time I smoke some ribs!
There was a bottle of ReBoot Energy Spray from Marz Sprays. Lori partnered with Marz Sprays in season four when she invested $200K for 25% of the business. Marz went on to international sales and is doing BIG business. I’m taking the ReBoot Spray on a cross-country road trip to help me stay alert at the wheel.
The last item is a jar of Nuts n More Chocolate Peanut Butter. Mark and Robert teamed up on this deal, investing $250k for a 35% of the business ($75k up front and $175K for future purchase orders) in season four. This stuff is CRAZY DELICIOUS, I tried it when the show first aired. I am a peanut butter fanatic and I will be eating this all by myself! Not.Sharing.
Each product in the Shark Tank Gift Box represents a successful Shark Tank business and I’d like to thank CNBC for sharing it with me.
Shark Tank Blog readers have a chance to win a box like this! All you need to do is get on our mailing list to get contest alerts and updates. Shark Tank Blog gives away a TON of Shark Tank products each season, but only if you’re a subscriber. Sign up with the form below and win a Shark Tank Gift Box or other great Shark Tank Products!

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
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