For the past year or so, I have been inundated with complaints about a Shark Tank skin care scam. Most of the complaints come from people who ordered the product and had their credit cards charged without authorization for as much as $109! The so-called “biggest deal in Shark Tank history” is a TOTAL SCAM. DO NOT FALL FOR IT!
Various products use the same ad copy. Some of the products include Skin Fresh MD, Suisse, Luxure, Lumidair, Yuva Forever, Dermafixa and others. There are literally hundreds of sights, using the same – or similar – ad copy touting the various products as “the greatest step forward in skin care history.” They use a photo – like the one above – stating sisters “Anna and Samantha Martin won over the Shark Tank panel.”
Don’t believe it!
Shark Tank Skin Care Scam Uses Other Celebrity Endorsements
In addition to a “quote” from Barbara Corcoran endorsing the product, other celebrity “endorsements” from Ellen Degeneres, Oprah, Megan Mullally, Sandra Bullock and Eva Longoria appear on the sales page. There is even a fake page that uses a legitimate Shark Tank product – Glow Recipe – as a lead in to link to the scam page.
In addition to using fake endorsements, the aforementioned Anna and Samantha Martin never appeared on the show. The photo looks real, but people familiar with Photoshop know pictures are easily faked. I can’t even place the faces, and I’ve watched EVERY EPISODE at least twice.
Beware Scammy Marketing Ploys
Whatever landing page you hit (there may even be an ad for this scam company on our mobile site as they keep marketing under different product names and different URLS), you ultimately land on a page touting a $4.95 “trial offer.” What they don’t tell you is they’ll continuously charge your credit card and won’t stop even after you ask them to (if you can even get them on the phone). Chances are, if you try to call the company, you won’t get them on the line. According to Kyle Nardo of Nardo’s Natural (season 3), “the scammers linked our customer service phone number to their sites.”
Barbara Corcoran actually confronted one of the scammers and is suing him. A good account of that is found here. The bottom line is this: DON’T believe every ad that says a product was featured on Shark Tank, whether it’s one of the Shark Tank skin care scam ads or any other. Always check The Shark Tank Blog. We only feature companies that really appeared on the show. A quick search in our search box will let you know if the company is legitimate or not.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
They claim there was something in the small print that give them the right to charge you the full price. The product doesn’t work any better than anything else on the market. I was ripped off for $170. I’ll never buy any Shark Tank product again or watch the show
Well don’t blame Shark Tank. These unscrupulous scammers are using a fake Shark Tank “winner” as the hook to suck you in. It is a scam and not affiliated with the show in any way. Any products listed on this site were on the show.
Nardo’s Natural was season three. The pitch and the sisters are fake
Nardo’s was 4 brothers from Florida, but your image shows 2 ladies from NJ who I don’t think are on season 3, so which one is it?
The scammers were listing Nardo’s phone number as their customer servvice line.
I figured it was scam AFTER I ordered it. I want to return it but I can’t find them online. Any idea how I can get hold of them? I have an address, but the packing slip says I have to use the original, non-tampered shipping label. I of course opened the box from the top and slit the shipping label in two. There is no invoice or anything with a telephone number.
cancel your credit card, they are crooks
Just got this in I have a label but they probably won’t make good on it. Text me if you like.
Hi Tami…was just getting ready to order and thought that I should investigate a little further…Have you tried the BLISS product? And? Thanks, Jon…
ALWAYS-Always look all the way down at the bottom of these websites and open the Terms & Conditions they are typically shown in a light gray print because they do not want consumers to notice them: trust me it’s worth your time, you can find contact information, specifically credit card descriptors with a phone number, a link to cancel auto shipped products, shipping times, and refund information and it will also tell consumers what they are actually signing up for on the “FREE TRIAL” offers, that are not free at all.
You call them and they will cancel the monthly membership but will only give you 50% of your money back.
844 259 5695
They also charge you monthly. I recieved yet another charge on my credit card, after canceling last month. I managed 40% refund but that was only after I threatened them with a lawsuit. They never use the same address or phone number. The worst part is you can buy the same product at Wal-Mart for 29.99.
Is this the phone number they can be reached at?
If you don’t accept the order just put return to sender. You get everything back from the credit card company..
I did it and it cost me NOTHING.
Until u raise hell with them.. they took 100% of ur money.. stay on them. They will then offer u 80% of ur money back.. Refuse, threaten them with ur atty, local police department, BBB.. I know that sounds awful. But them taking the money that u have worked ur ass off for is even worse.. u deserve to get back every penny they took from u.. Good Luck
I did the same as you. But I told the mailman to return to sender. My credit card was credited and I did not have to pay any fees for return
THis is the exact same experience I have encountered.
I have made 7 phone calls to this company, sent 4 emails and have never recieved a call back form a supervisor
If that is the case, then why is not Ophra, Sandra B and Elen D suing these scammers for claims of false endorsement?
When something blows up as much as this product did, people are going to be fast to jump on and try to ride the rollercoaster upwards. This is the same thing we are seeing with cryptocurrencies right now. This isn’t representative of Shark Tank, the investors or the entrepreneurs!
Be aware they are hijacking sites using their logos like Macy’s. I thought I was buying a product from Macy’s and it turned out to be one of those products from this scam that has tons of different names but same scam. It’s hell to get refund and to get them to stop. Everyone should call on the Attorney General and report them.
I found one on facebook tried to write all my information, but all of a suddedn, I stopped doing it. All of a sudden my fone gets nang of call that starts at 888. The first that the agent will say ” Ma’am u tried to order but never went through. Is your card no.ending in ### iPls confirm, so i hung up the fone.
So i know it was a scam.
They must have Phishing software. That’s not acceptable. We need Cyber cops! The internet is out of control with all of the scammers and hackers! There needs to be some security regulation.
If it was on FaceBook, it’s probably a scam. DO yourself a favor and dump FB!
I fell for the same scam. How did you get your money back? I filled a claim with my credit card company.
I’d just cancel the card
I was also scammed by a skin care product advertised by a third party claiming to be shark tank. Rip me off for $180. 00
I can’t believe what I’ve been through. Wells Fargo denied me. Every time I try to call the phone number someone listed I get a different company that try’s to sell me something. The first guy had my information. It’s infuriating! I’m ready to drop Wells Fargo bank too! This is part of my rent money they scammed me out of!!! And I can’t do a dang thing about because I can’t get anyone to help.
Yes. At the bottom of their advertisement it says “terms”. Click on that and they pop up.
Stop taking my money, nothing in return, theives
I was hopeful and ordered it to try. They claim noticeable results in 8 hours. After reading reviews I took the suggestions to keep reapplying. I used it consistently twice a day for 3 weeks with ZERO results on five different areas! Make sure your credit card company takes your credit card number away from Bliss Skin or you will continue to get the recurring charge!!! I made a credit card dispute and was later charged again for $129.88. Get your credit card number blocked from Bliss Skin!
OMG what a situation to be in. My credit card company and I went thru the dispute process and they denied it. They said the company had proof I approved the full price.. They gave me a new card. I changed every username and password I have even my utility companies. I hope the new card number and passwords can stop them. Will that be enough?????? Does anyone know.
I was TOTALLY SCAMMED. I “bought” the “Skincare” that two Sisters supposedly got Shark Tanks backing for. The name of the products has changed three times!! I couldn’t get through to Customer Service to try and stop my “additional” orders. Too bad for me I called 2 days over the 14 day cancellation. When the product arrived I got 1/2 production a full jar. The same goes for the eye serum!! I thought I would try it to use for myself and my customers.
I don’t like the product at all. Today after calling several numbers attached to the total of almost$300 worth of product from my bank account (all numbers were busy!!!). I finally called the original number I used to try the product.
I spoke to a gentleman who was sticking to the “Ma’am you called 2 days after the 14 day time limit to cancel!” I asked if he would work with me and refund me half of the $300 they charged me, especially since they only sent me a jar of the face product and NOT the eye product they charged me for!! He was sticking hard and strong to that “14 Day agreement”! I asked to speak to a manager or someone higher up. He explained to me that everyone there is at “Management Level”. Frustrated, I said forget it! This is total scam!!”
I really hope Shark Tank is not involved in these deceitful business practices. I want my damn money back!! Here are the names they have used for this product:
Lumina Beauty Supp (My guess the last one is supplies)
I finally got through on the initial phone number:
1 (888) 503-6457
Dear God! Shark Tank has nothing to do with this crap! The scammers simply use the name and photos of people who were on the show to sell their garbage products. How hard is that to see? Why would anyone think Shark Tank has anything to do with this? That makes no sense. IF YOU BUY PRODUCTS THAT CLAIM THEY DO MIRACLES YOU ARE SETTING YOURSELF UP FOR BEING SCAMMED. Do your research read everything. But don’t come online and start saying bad things about Shark Tank. It is the same scam that Dr. Oz goes through. These criminals use his likeness to sell their products. Dr. Oz does not endorse anything. JUST CANCEL YOUR CREDIT CARD AND DO A CHARGE BACK. THAT IS HOW YOU FIGHT THE SCAMMERS! CHARGE BACKS COST SCAMMERS AT LEAST $35 TO $40 FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE! THAT IS MONEY OUT OF THEIR POCKETS! DON’T BOTHER CALLING FOR A REFUND, JUST CHARGE IT BACK THROUGH YOUR BANK. IF YOU REALLY WANT TO FIGHT THEM.
What he said/\
Yes that is exactly whst I did. I didn’t even bother trying to get a refund with the company. I had covid and was in bed for days when my credit card company cslled about a $94 charge. I denied making the charge. The amount was blocked, along with a $91 charge was returned to my credit card.
What is a charge back? Something that is done over the phone, when you are cancelling your credit card?
Dr, Oz is a scammer too…do your research!
I got caught with a “free trial” thinking I was only gonna be charged with shipping now I’m being charged close to $200 can cause I didn’t return product in time ?!? To me it’s misleading but they only offered $90 back and want me to sign I won’t ask for cash back. Is it because there is a chance I could win?
I was also scammed. You are forced to order the eye cream which I didn’t want and have 2 weeks from time of order to cancel. The stuff arrives 5-6 days after you order so you don’t have 2 weeks to try it. Then you’re charged full price for the junk – $88.98 for the face cream and $89.95 for the eye cream.
There is no company name on any of the papers with the order and when I called they won’t take a return! Beware !!!!!
I need information how to stop this recurring skin products. I can’t find any info to cancel thisproduct . Any help is greatly appreciated.
I’d just cancel the card and get a new card
I went to the website that appeared on my cc statement and found their phone number. The website is I was able to contact them and get a refund.
I ordered this skin cream afew days ago. Can I just have it returned to sender?
They’ll still charge your card…
I called .my bank to find out who pulled all this money out. They were able to tell me the company and gave me phone number. I had to call and tell them that i am not wanting the product anymore. Called my bank and they said they wouldn’t refund but they will give me a new card
Wells Fargo does. They refund you and go after the scammers themselves. I’ve been through being scammed and Wells Fargo is #1 at dealing with those scam situations.
Charlene Mock
Yes Wells Fargo does exactly what you said. Thanks for posting that.
Do a charge back through your bank. Call your bank and explain and they take care of the whole situation. I watch Shark Tank and have seen every episode that has aired. Shark Tank has nothing to do with the scams. They are all LEGALLY LOADED with money and have no need to scam anyone. They definitely do NOT NEED the money, and would not put their names on the line. They even have their own show where they make tens of millions each for each season and that’s not even counting their everyday multiple business money. And they each use their own money for the new start up businesses for the ones they invest in on the show.
Just call your bank and they will take care of it all for you.
Charlene Mock
And they are airing “warning clips” ABOUT SCAMS ON THE SHOW.
Cancel the credit card. Or tell the credit card to stop payment. Credit cards protect you from scams and fraud.
I was scammed too, I wanted to buy one product and at checkout for just paying for shipping they added one other product . And then it supposed to be a free product but they charged me 89 dollars and no one can help me my moment back, I called my bank they said no, I called them with different name of domino and phone number and they said no just can give fifty percent discount and that is not fair , I have no idea how the product is as I did not use it yet . I’m very angry as it was advertised by shark tank
Thank all of you for posting, I was getting ready to order. I decided to go to there webpage see what else the sisters had. An I found this. Thank you all soioo much
I almost fell for these two sisters scam on Omega Fit weight loss supplement. Then i noticed in their ad they show before photos of Melissa McCarthy and Kelley Osborne. Glad I did research & discovered your blog. They need to be sued. They are obviously using Shark Tank & celebrities to scam the public, I love Shark Tank, hate seeing your name associated with these sisters. You should call them out on T.V.
Shark tank members, although claiming they have nothing to do with it could actually sue the company who you are claiming false advertising. It would NOT surprise me a bit if the the shark tank owners aren’t making somebody sort of kick back, commissions in some way. I’m not buying the scam on either end!!!! If shark tank members could sue they would they’re making commissions from This so called false advertisement- they could make it stop if they wanted to!!!!!
Barbara is suing them as is Cuban.
I’m glad! Go get them, Barbara & Cuban
Yes I fell for the same SCAM
Be warned Make sure before you buy on Facebook
I called this Company Ultrassence
The are Scammers
On the little cream bottle there is a phone no you can hardly read I told them I want to return my product
They refused They already deducted for two bottles out of my account I will never ever order any special again
Please check and make sure before you buy
I had same experience only they said they would refund me 59% of the total. One was $124.97 the other $119.73 which means they still get $100 of my money. WHAT A CROCK
I agree. They are thieves.
The thing is that they actually managed to get on an ABC ‘’ page.
So, it’s scamming at a very high level.
The scam company doesn’t appear in this video.
The two ladies featured in the picture are the sisters who pitched a line of bathing suits for moms (season 8, episode 3). Their names are obviously different from the ones cited as running the scam company. The scam folks apparently just took an unrelated picture from an actual pitch and pretended that it was from their scam. Hopefully everyone reading this article can figure that out and isn’t going to think that the ladies in the photo are actually involved in the scam.
I was scammed the same EXACT WAY of everyone else!!!!!! Once you put your card number in. It tells you order is not complete until you click it again, then BOOM YOU ORDER EYE serum for additional 4.95. So I wax scammed out of 10.95. Something told me to search products on “Shark Tank” and again BOOM! Nothing!!! I called and was told I can send it back at my ow Expenses before 14 days, or will be charged 88.01. Problem solved! CANCEL BANK CARD!????????♀️????????♀️. I was scammed out of 10.95, but I be darned 88.01
What phone number did you call…..I am in the same situation and can’t find a number!!!
I ended up ordering these products last night but this morning I decided to look this company up and make sure that it was legit and I was filled with dread when I saw how many people have been scammed. I called immediately and they would no for an answer until I told them I am on disability and that their site is awfully tricky. I got my cancellation number and was happy but I got an email 6 hours later with my tracking numbers for the products so now I am worried. I think I am just going to cancel my card and keep the products. I didn’t agree to any terms of agreement, so I am not going to feel bad. I feel bad for everyone being scammed! This is the number I called and was only on hold a couple minutes. Just be firm, they tried lowering the price.
855 633 0203
I know I am probably too late posting this but maybe it will help someone else scammed by radiant revive or whatever name they are using at the time! SMH Anna and Samantha shark tank skincare scam
My Discover card saw this as a scam and called me. They gave me the number to call to get any further products put on my card. Discover is blocking all charges. I called and a nice lady who took care of lots of scams. I got the same products everyone else received and paid for mailing. Mine was named Pure Bliss and the name of the product was Kama. The number Discover gave me to get these charges stopped and they answered immediately is 1-855-592-2858. Hope this helps everyone
I was scammed out of $318 . My credit card company ruled in their favor as i disputed the charges. This co. sent them their 15 page agreement that i never saw or signed. I am paying this because i don’t want to ruin my credit rating. I am really upset and my Credit card Co. told me i shouldn’t have disputed it but tried to make a deal with the Co.
So glad for people like you who uncover scams like this.
Thanks! Lylah – T S F Botancials ~ Scottsdale, AZ
I purchase this product, found two $109 charges on my bank . I phoned them at the number provided to me on my bank statement. This was 15 days after the product had arrived at my home. I had also purchased another product said to work along with this face cream. Neither one of the bottles had been taken out of the package. I was told I could not return the original face cream yet I was allowed to return the second product. I was told that if it was not received within 10 days it would be no refund. I made sure I kept my post office receipt. Some days later I saw an ad online telling me that The Queen was angry at The Duchess of Cambridge for starting a line of face care products. Something clicked in my head, I checked the phone number against the phone number I called to place the order, it was the same number! These people are so unscrupulous. They do not care whose name they use to get your money. After reading some of the reviews on this blog, I feel lucky to have only lost what I did.
How can we stop yes from happening to other people? Anna and Samantha Williams are shown on a different website stating that shark Tank iinvested in their weight-loss product see cLA safflower oil. I found two other websites where the same ladies are featured selling other weight loss products and eye cream. It’s all a scam !
I had ordered from ORCA NUTRA, GIEO DERMA, BELLA GOLD, and the latest one was Organic. You would think I learned by now not to. Some I was able to get my money back. The Organic Purely just happened Feb. 2. I called 2 times. It was claiming it was your product, so safe right. They said OK we don’t work that way. Its just sending anything until you call back. I was saspiscous, so I call again. This time they told me that I was canceled. Feb. they took $88. and $89. plus the $4.95 SH. 3times. I missed. Than they charged me again March 10th. I called 3 times and it was a contract. Nothing they can do. No refunds, I blocked my bank card. Bank refunded the amount. Claimed Fraud. They got away with. Always check with Better Buinsiness Burrow, BBB, lots of fraud complaints
Can someone just please tell me the real name of the wrinkle eraser that the sharks say really works for $4.95 and where I can actually buy that real product? No one is making it easy at all!! Does it even exist anymore! Please email me the site where I can buy the real thing!! I would be so grateful!! Thank you very much!! Hope you get things worked out… people don’t even know the name of it….. why would they have the show and then change the name of the product… common sense tells you they opened up this mess by doing that! You can’t watch the original video from shark tank and get the name as it has been changed!!! Why??? It’s frustrating!!! Lol.
It’s a scam. NO SUCH PRODUCT
Didn’t order product but I wanted to know more so typed in my name address and phone number no bank details I was then able to read comments and it is a big scam using kristy brinkley name they rang me and I told her that I was on to them and to p…off but as I was hanging up she was saying that they would bill my number so waiting to see if they are stupid enough to try I will take legal action
I just wanted to say I was almost scammed. received my package yesterday for a pill that supposed to burn belly fat. But when I opened the box I don’t recall the bottle looking like the ad and the name was different. So I went through my internet history and found the site, I clicked on it and WOW, it was a totally different product. So I googled the ladies who’s name appeared on the ad and found this page. Thank you for posting this!!! I immediately called my credit card co. and explained what’s going on and cancelled my card, not they can’t charge me. Called the phone # in the email and cancelled, told them if they didn’t I would contact the attorney general. They cancelled.
This product sucks. I can’t believe I fell for this. There should be a lawsuit against this company. They are total ripoffs
I have a similar story as Linda Ball above. When I saw the free sample offer for $4.95 for the Instant Elixir I was intrigued and generally trusted the Shark Tank endorsements since I have several of their things throughout my home. I KNEW(!) to be careful for there could be added charges somewhere if you didn’t click on a particular box. I saw NOTHING, so I went ahead and did it. It took more than 14 days to get the product and then when it arrived the eye cream was also in the box which i did not request. But it was only another $5.00 charge, so I wasn’t going to argue. Then the fun began when looking at my credit card bill the following month. I was charged (rounding up) $90.00 for two more of the same products that I got in the free trial!. By the time I caught it, there was another pending charge for the same amount again. I was trapped in a monthly renewal club that I did not ask for. Phone calls to the company got me the same results as everyone else on here, “sorry, you’re out of luck you’re past the 14 day trial” Grrrrrrr. Contacted my cc company to file a claim. They put a claim in against the first shipment, and then requested if/when I received the second pending shipment that I send it back. Because it was pending, my credit card company helped to get that charge removed since it hadn’t gone through yet. I did receive the shipment, and because I’m honest, I did call the company and tell them that I wanted to send their shit back because I had already cancelled my subscription. They told me that don’t accept returns of creams, even unopened, and that I could keep it. My credit card company was not able to refund me for the first time charges, the company showed proof that I supposedly “signed on” for this “club”, so I was out $200.00. I figure since I kept the second shipment that I got each product for around $50.00. Most expensive creams that I have ever bought. I have to say, I don’t mind the face cream, whether it’s doing anything or not is another story but it feels nice going on. Still I would have NEVER paid $50.00 for any such cream. Buyer beware, I learned my lesson the hard way. TOTAL SCAM!
Could we get an attorney to do a class action suit? If there were someone who could file suit against these people they could advertise on a site like this and have a whole lot of plaintiffs. I got scammed the very same way. I checked the ad for any fine print and there was absolutely NONE. I am hoping to get my $89.99 back that they charged me for my “free sample.” I’m not even worried about the $4.96 or the cost of returning the “grease in a jar” that they sent under the name “La Reviva”
I too was taken by this ad. I could not find the small print that says trial is for 14 days then they charge you a whopping $190 for this overpriced, ineffective product. The creme is oily. They eye creme has done nothing. Highly perturbed when I checked my credit card and saw the full charges. I do not usually purchase on whims but this came up while I was looking thru Facebook page. The Shark Tank promoters got me. I looked for small print added fee’s and none were mentioned. I did not want a sign up and then receive automatic shipments either. That was not mentioned. But they told me that I would have been told that the fee was enforceable after 14 days. I caught it on day 18 after receiving the product. They gave me a 50% credit but I want to dispute the charge with my card too. Wonder if they would take away the 50% if card didn’t honor my request. . .
I had same experience only they said they would refund me 59% of the total. One was $124.97 the other $119.73 which means they still get $100 of my money. WHAT A CROCK
It now appears that the Skin Care scam has transferred over to the ever-so-trendy Keto diet industry. Same ad copy word for word. I found at least 3 different Keto pill products all claiming that the sharks all went in on their product, the first time in Shark Tank history. Stay vigilant, friends.
I know. Unbelievable
Decided to check my credit card statement, and similar story to Robin Evans, I had charges of $5.00 three times even though I only received only two products, and didnt bother to argue about it. But then there have been two more charges of $127.00 and another pending from another company based in the UK for $7.00, The bank has suggested I cancel my credit card to stop any more charges coming through, and work out with the supplier for a refund! Looking at all the comments, I have basically written it off as a very expensive mistake – $270.00. Surely, there must someway to stop this? I had clicked on the link from the Shark Tank website.
Where do I find the products that were actually on the show? I’m looking for the forskolin weight loss product.
We have a products page on the site. The product you are looking for is a scam product.
I KNEW it was a scam when I searched ALL over the internet for the Shark Tank diet pill and were getting conflicting reports on what to buy!! First it’s Garcia Cambogia Pure Extract,, then its Safflower Oil…I could not get ONE link to the EXACT weight loss pill actually shown on Shark Tank…I got dozens of different products instead! Didn’t know which was one was the right one or if any of them were so…what happened to these two sisters and brother and their product? Is it the real deal???
WARNING. BEWARE scamming aussies too. Came across this ad as well. I was interested so I did some research before buying. Saw the same ad saying the women were on shark tank in Australia (that’s where I’m from) exact wording different pic of hosts of shark tank America, saying they were on the American version. Continued research by typing in Anna and samatha Williams and found this blog. Thank you.
I too fell for this (in Australia). I thought I had ordered a ‘free sample’ of an Australian product (as Shark Tank runs here). Next day I got emails from Christie Brinkley Skincare – email address The reference on my bank statement is ‘BRINKLEYBEAUTY’. I also received a phone call about my ‘order’, the caller trying to sell me other products. This phone call was actually helpful to me because my radar went well and truly up when I received it. The person I spoke to did not engage with my concerns. I told him I didn’t want the product and wanted to cancel. He said I couldn’t as it had already shipped. He tried all sorts of offers – I could just pay half price: I could keep the product: did I want to wait until I’d tried the product as I had 30 days’ free trial? I politely held my ground and said no to all and he eventually gave me a return number so that I could send the parcel back when it arrived. I rang my bank to report my stupidity and they recommended I cancel my credit card because these type of scammers don’t wait 30 days – they usually start charging after 12 days. I took the bank’s advice. The company told me that I needed to include my invoice which they sent me with the return parcel. Our postal assistant recommended not to do this because if I opened it I would have to pay to return it. She just wrote the return number on it and ‘return to sender’. What really annoyed me was that they were sending me THREE separate products. The order was also apparently recurring. Yesterday I received an email from the company telling me my return was confirmed and they were ‘sorry to see me go’ – what a joke. They also advised me that – as a courtesy, I was to understand – my next order due to be shipped today (21 Sept) had been cancelled! I’m still considering my response. I also rang the TV station which runs Shark Tank in Australia and they have received a number of phone calls about this scam. I should have listened to the ‘still small voice’ in my head when there was no PayPal option – they just wanted my credit card number. We live and learn…
These guys do a pretty good job of outing their latest con job as well:
I was billed 4 times by Dizon Greencoffee and Dizon Vit C Serum. I received trial samples 5 months ago. Saw the ad for a product that appeared on Shark Tank. I informed the call center to stop sending the products. I did not like them and they made my skin red. But they continue to send and now I have to pay another $189.88. I am on the phone now with my credit card company. This is a SCAM!
Absolutely scammed – just like everyone else – $200 to the wind.
This scam is continuing on Pinterest. It took me 30 minutes by to get the subscription and current shipment cancelled. I am appalled that these people haven’t been stopped in 2 years.
They keep re-doing the scam with a different website and product name.
I was just scammed. Why is this still going on? I,ve looked into who to contact, and can,t get an answer. This has to stop. If anyone knows who I get in touch with about a class action law suit, please let me know. These people have to be stopped and be penalized for what they have done to so many people,Let,s get together to put a stop to this so nobody else get,s taken advantage of,everyone get,s reimbursed, and that the people that are guilty have to pay with money and jail time!!!!!
There is no website for ABC News called The .go in the link is the dead giveaway that is a bogus website. Most of these scammers will make websites that look similar to the legitimate one but there’s always something a little off about it. Just like this one with the .go in it.
I went online about a month ago and almost ordered this new anti again skincare line, but when I read the small print about only having to pay for shipping for the initial order and then I would be topped up automatically monthly afterwards, I did not complete the order. Since then, I have been getting random phone calls. I just received the fifth call moments ago. The most unprofessional goons are calling me “about the skincare I ordered.” I did NOT order anything and if these phone calls do NOT stop, I will take further action. I guess these people are being paid per dial and I don’t care. I don’t appreciate being harassed.
This is absolutely a total scam. The Radiant Aqua cream has a foul odor. It is watery and does not hydrate as promised. The enriching serum offers no skin care benefits. I have seen no difference in my skin. The company claims that you need to use the product for over 20 days to see a result, but, only offers a 14 day return policy. The company is absolutely dishonest. The Company also misrepresents themselves when they charge your credit card.The charges on my credit card were from “Elegantellc*Ex” and “Elegantlellc*Es” which showed up as a grocery store in California.
I almost ordered a month ago when it was advertised that you only paid for shipping. Before clicking complete order, I read the small print. It said that post initial payment, they would send monthly top ups. I only wanted to sample the cream, so I did not complete my order. Since then, I have been getting calls from the most unprofessional men “about the skincare.” They did not say then name brand. I say to them “ Do NOT a all me anymore.” Today, I have received two calls. I have a screen shot of the number they called through on, but cannot seem to post it. These calls need to stop immediately. I did NOT order the product. Why are they phoning me? Does Shark Tank care?? If you do, you will tell these bozos to cease and desist. This is absolutely frustrating that I do not have time for.
They are now selling “White Tulip Cream” on! Their fraudulent Shark Tank ad (same photos and same text) came up on my iPad. I recognize the ad because they were using it when I fell for the “Lavish Grace” skin care scam. I gave them my credit card info to cover shipping their “free” sample; then they used my care for over $200 of their stuff – before I got a new credit card number.
I said their ad came up on my iPad. It was on the “Google News” website. They should be banned from Amazon, Google News, etc.
I was scammed too! I had sent for the free trial just pay shipping and handling. This week my bank contacted us regarding a potential of fraudulent charges a little over $200 and my card was blocked. After talking with the bank we figured out it came from this products company. For the face cream one phone number and the eye cream a different phone number but same company UGH. I called one number and was told when I requested the free trial I signed up for the monthly product and that was an agreement to the charges. After 15 minutes of trying to be nice I lost my patience then the rep said it would amount to $19.99 for the free trial and I know I got really loud stating NO!!!. Long story short the charges are being reversed. Never again will I do a free trial. I was not looking for any miracles on these creams just thought the product might be better than what I was using WRONG found it not any better
Back in April, ordered “free sample” that said S&H was like $7.95 or something. Saw later I was charged $14.00. Yesterday I was charged $112 for a 1 oz. bottle of BioDermRX “Anti-Wrinkle Cream”. Called number on my bank charge (833-274-8598). Told Rachelle (Rochelle?) that I was returning the bottle, wanted a refund. Rachelle told me “we’re not accepting refunds due to Covid”. . . and that it stated when I paid S&H for the “free trial” that future shipments would be sent and charged automatically. So I called it a scam. Rachelle disagreed. I said you use hidden recurring charges language in your initial “free trial”, then use “no returns due to Covid” so people can’t send anything back for a refund. THAT’S A SCAM!” Seriously interested in joining any class action suit against these lowlifes!!!
If Shark Tank isn’t endorsing this product then why do not the producers of the show come forward and expose these scammers with a lawsuit and social media?
All the Sharks have disclaimers about these scams on their websites. The scams get shut down, then they re-open under a new domain.
I say, Shark Tank is getting a percentage of the scammer’s profits, otherwise, this would not even be happening. I don’t watch Shark Tank, especially since Donald Rump was one of the sharks!
trump has never been a shark and you are wrong
Sami adds are a scam do not order this product from their emails ever that are sent to you .You get billed through a third party and charged as much as 139.65 cents for offer they say cost only 7.65 to order.Nowhere on they advertisement do they state that ..My advise to anyone check into any advertising of any offer before ever purchasing anything from an email.Once they charge your card you will never get one red cent back from them.They make it impossible to do .You will get the run around but never get your money back.Notify your financial instruction and block any future charges to your account.And the phone number on your charge charge card which is a Florida number and request to cancel your account and request a email of verification as to the canceling of future delivery’s.But your money is gone what they have charged you for.
Late July 2022, I paid a shipping and handling fee. I trusted it because of Shark Tank. Anyways I never received any samples. Suddenly close to 200$ in Uber fees started occurring. It left us in a bad situation as we had to cancel card and no real access to bank with out it. I also have changed all info. NEVER AGAIN, unless it is only a couple places I can order from in the future.
THIS IS A SCAM !!! BUT NOT BY SHARK TANK I was reading an article about 15 Make Up Ideas all Women Should know and came to a product that supposedly all the people involved with the show “Shark Tank” invested in. It was called Juv Skin Cream. About 10 days later I looked at the article again and clicked on the same link that had all of the same information and pictures – EXCEPT THE NAME OF THE PRODUCT WAS NOW Exfolie Skin Anti-Wrinkle Serum. I was only defrauded of about $10. I CANCELLED the charge and MY CREDIT CARD SO THEY CANNOT USE IT ANYMORE. YOU SHOULD DO THE SAME THING!!!
I tried several times this afternoon to order the product. I think I have been scammed once again.
The site won’t let you go to a final order status unless you buy buy buy more products. There is also a a so called contest that wants you to pay $1.95 just to enter. Right then I knew something was not right.
I backed out of the site when the contest came up. Sadly I had already entered my CC information a few times thinking I actually entered something wrong.
I don’t remember the site because I backed out so quickly. The information looked just like any other article to promote a product. Woe is me…. I just had a fraud a couple of weeks ago and this in maybe going to happen again on the new CC I just received yesterday
*One quick word of advice…u work hard for the little money u have so b vigilant and read the small print and spend a LITTLE bit of time googling a company’s name and checking legit (there are scam review sites) websites and look carefully at their web addresses with different names than the product or having a familiar name but misspelled by a letter or some way off from the REAL company. You’ll start to notice little things that are just ‘off’ or what seem to b small mistakes made on the fake companies websites.
I never ordered anything from these skin care scammers, but wanted to give u all a heads up on something they’ve started doing…it seems as though when u click onto one of their links, it lets them know where ur physically at, and that info somehow hits one of the ads pages they’ve got so when u see their add pop up, you’ll see a picture of the two girls with that happily surprised look on their faces and below the pic it tells you that the two girls are from YOUR town, which causes a lot of people to bypass their common sense and makes you WANT to give the miracle product a chance AND to contribute to the success of the two girls that are from YOUR CITY or town…personalizing ads like this I’m sure drastically increase their sales. I’d sure think it would. It’s worth a few extra minutes of internet investigations to save ur hard earned money from getting taken from internet pick pockets and thieves.
I agree with you Alan, that you must spend time researching ANY online product you are considering. The Bliss skin tag/ mole remover popped up on my local e-newspaper site. I was intrigued so I started my search with going to the “official website“ and read everything they had to say. I went to several “review“ sites and prominently posted at the top it says sponsored. Two sites that said Scam Revealed was a sponsored site that touted the great effects of Bliss, no “scam revealed” info at all. Amazon sells it, there were only a couple reviews and they were lousy. One thing I did notice is that all the positive reviews were written very poorly. No offense, Alan, one thing I look for is the use of single letters for words (u=you, b=be etc.), use of emojis (🐝 vigilant) and spelling errors. Bad grammar is another; when most of the “reviews” are poorly written, some so bad your brain keeps trying to correct the sentence, you can bet that they are written by non-local language speakers; scammers scam all over the world. You are also right about the pop-up ads targeting your city, using local peoples’ names( “…says Mayor Cxxx of Mxxx, Ohio.”). Yep, I’ve fallen for it and am then inundated with ads and emails, many tagging my poor Mayor! Never click anything, open a new page and enter the name of what you’re looking for. You’re more likely to find better information, honest reviews, and sites like Shark Tank blog which sets the story straight.
Now that I’ve given my name and email address, I’m hoping I won’t be bombarded by Shark Tank deals!
I luckily found this site within an hour of purchase of DYSKN Cream and called my credit card company and reported fraud. I was able to reach the company at 1-833-738-2606 the next day to cancel and asked to delete my contact info from there database. Hopefully they will do that and not sell my info. Also, there is a message when you call to go to to cancel, where you have to enter your info to locate your account, I didn’t as I was told when I called they would cancel and they gave me a reference number.. There is a number at the bottom of of 844-947-4918, I hope this info is helpful to others. Can you let me know if there is some way I can report to authorities?
they got me rally good. i ordered 1 bottle. they waited 3 weeks and sent me 5 bottles of skin tag remover and a conditioner . they withdrew $59.99 for the bottle and $199.99 in January 2023. i looked at my bank statement and february 01,2023 another withdrawal from their company for another $199.99. i just filed with BBB. Iwent to the bank this morning and cancelled my credit card. i also finally got through to their customer service and i was told i had agreed to all the terms.
These marketing manipulators are still at it. Same game, new marketing company and third party “customer service”.
Free sample – Don’t fall for it. Two charges to my card.
Just got scammed for an order on the skin tag advertisement. Got billed for 3 times the price,, Tried repeatedly to cancel order. No success and in fact call number on Terms and Conditions produced lack of order number not in system even though the already billed my bank. BEWARE 04/05/2023
Working with my bank to try to fix this billing. Who knows the outcome they will get.
this product is a big big scam doesnt do anything
SCAM is right, unfortunately I fell for it. I should have looked into it better, my fault I have no phone number just an address. I’m out $200.00 Don’t fall for it, product doesn’t work. I hope Shark Tank takes action for using their name.
SCAM!!! I ordered 1skin tag product and was charged $99 then was charged an extra $200 on the same day! I emailed the company and called on numerous occasions to cancel my order, no response!. 2 weeks later I received the package, which I have not opened. I immediately called my bank and they put a block on the account. DO NOT fall for these ads. I will NEVER order anything from Facebook again!
Never fall for the “free product. Just pay for shipping” ruse! They get your credit card to pay for the shipping and then they have you and will continue sending product and charging you because you “agreed to monthly shipping” even though that is not said anywhere. I fell for it once. Never again.
Can those who have fallen victim to fraud get their money back? Yes, you might be able to get back what was taken from you if you fell prey to a fraud from an unregulated investing platform or any other scam, but only if you report it to the relevant authorities. With the right plan and supporting documentation, you can get back what you’ve lost. Most likely, the individuals in control of these unregulated platforms would attempt to convince you that what happened to your money was a sad accident when, in fact, it was a highly skilled heist. You should be aware that there are resources out there to help you if you or someone you know has experienced one of these circumstances. Do a search using (zattrecoverypro1 AT Gmail com). Do not let the perpetrators of this hoaxes get away with ruining you mentally and financially.