Web traffic drastically increases when a business appears on Shark Tank and more entrepreneurs are learning that Shopify eCommerce sites are well equipped to handle the server crushing traffic websites receive in the show’s aftermath. Tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands of visits to websites as an entrepreneur pitches in the Shark Tank are a regular occurrence.
Shopify handles the Shark Tank Effect
In order to take full advantage of the Shark Tank Effect, a website needs to be able to take orders in the hours and days following a Shark Tank appearance. The standard eCommerce conversion rate is around 2%; for every hundred visitors, two will make a purchase. If a site receives 100,000 visitors, that adds up to a lot of orders! Time after time, regardless of the planning and preparation, Shark Tank entrepreneur websites crash on show night, but not those sites that use Shopify.
A few weeks ago, Cordaroy’s got a deal with Lori Greiner. Their website was down for two days: imagine the lost sales! I don’t know what eCommerce platform they’re using, but I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts it isn’t Shopify. Many of Daymond’s “baby sharks” are on the Shopify platform; it’s his go to solution. Other smart entrepreneurs use Shopify before they even think about appearing on the Tank or switch to the solution once they know they’re airing. Teddy Needs a Bath, SoundBender and Hoodie Pillow are a few recent entrepreneurs who use Shopify – their websites didn’t crash on show night.
Whether your business is going to be on Shark Tank or not, website up time is critical to sales success. If you are selling products online, you need to ensure you can take orders at all times. Going with a second tier eCommerce platform might save a few dollars in upfront costs, but it will be far more costly in the long run. Use the eCommerce solution smart Shark Tank entrepreneurs use: Shopify.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob Merlino.com and more.
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