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Splash Zen

splash zen

At Splash Zen, they know bath time can often feel like a battleground for parents, especially when you have energetic little ones who love splashing around. The constant struggle of trying to keep water contained within the tub can turn what should be a relaxing ritual into a stressful ordeal. This was the reality for Rodney and Tanya Rasmussen, founders of Splash Zen, whose inspiration struck between the chaos of raising their second and third boys.

Their bathroom was showing signs of wear from the frequent water exposure, and the constant admonishments of “Stop splashing!” were draining the joy out of bath time. Determined to find a solution, they embarked on a journey that would eventually lead to the creation of Splash Zen.

Designing Splash Zen

After three years of meticulous planning, gathering feedback from fellow parents, designing, prototyping, and refining, Splash Zen was born. This innovative product is not just a splash guard; it’s a game-changer for families worldwide, transforming bath time from a dreaded chore into an enjoyable experience.

SplashZen isn’t just for kids, though. Dog owners quickly discovered its benefits for keeping their furry friends contained and their bathrooms dry during bath time. The Rasmussens themselves use SplashZen to bathe their Mini Goldendoodle, Blossom, with ease.

What sets SplashZen apart are its thoughtful features tailored to the needs of both parents and pet owners:

  1. Flexible, Waterproof Material: The clear, flexible material allows for easy access to children or pets during bath time while effectively containing water within the tub.
  2. Splash Strip: A specially designed splash strip along the bottom prevents water from escaping under the guard, keeping your bathroom floor dry and slip-free.
  3. Easy-Grip Handle: With an ergonomic handle, opening and closing the guard can be done effortlessly with just one hand, making bath time hassle-free.

For pet owners, SplashZen offers additional benefits:

  1. Suction Cup Barrier Strip: Designed to keep water from seeping under the guard, ensuring your bathroom stays dry during dog baths.
  2. Optimal Height: The guard is the perfect height for reaching over to wash, brush teeth, and interact with your pet comfortably.
  3. Easy Storage: The guard can be conveniently stored on its own spool when not in use, keeping your bathroom clutter-free.

Better than a Shower Curtain

Whether you’re bathing kids or pets, Splash Zen outperforms traditional shower curtains with its durability, clarity, and functionality. The guard not only keeps water contained but also maintains its appearance and freshness when properly dried after use.

SplashZen isn’t just a product; it’s a solution that brings joy back to bath time for families everywhere. Its innovative design and practical features have earned it praise from parents who describe it as “the ultimate parent hack” and “a complete game-changer.”

So, say goodbye to soggy bathroom floors and hello to stress-free bath times with Splash Zen. Whether you’re washing your little ones or your furry friends, SplashZen makes bath time a breeze, keeping water where it belongs and turning a chore into a cherished moment of connection.

My Take on Splash Zen

I count myself as a person who would have wanted this when my kids were little. It would have been good for the dog, too. The kids were splashy to be sure, but the dog was a nightmare. There are 2 kinds of dogs: those who get sprayed by a skunk once and learn their lesson and those that don’t. Our dog was of the latter variety! Getting sprayed by a skunk was an annual right of Spring.

We’d take her  into the tub and get the tomato juice and bath her with it.Next would come “the shake” and there’d be tomato juice everywwhere. What a mess! Get me a time machine and let me take this product back with me 20 years. Thankfully, our current dog has not encountered a skunk here in Florida. If she does, she’ll get cleaned up in the outdoor shower.

Do Sharks like to Splash?

This is a product for Lori: easily demonstrated, inexpensive and it has mass appeal. I’ll be surprised if she doesn’t make an offer. Mr. Wonderful should make an offer, too. MArk will call it a “product, not a company.” As for Barbara and Robert, they could make offers, but my money is on Lori.

About Rob Merlino

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.

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