Tania Speaks started her organic skincare brand because she was getting bullied at school. She had very bushy eyebrows and her schoolmates were relentless in teasing her about them. She’d come home crying and begging for her mom’s help. Her mom simply told her to be proud of herself. One day, Tania was so upset, she used a razor to shave her eyebrows off an cut herself so badly she needed stiches. Needless to say, the bullies had a field day with that.
She tried growing them back, but the products she used gave her a rash. She searched online for organic solutions and began mixing up batches of “potions” to grow her eyebrows back. When she found a formula that worked, the bullies were impressed and wanted to try what she mixed up. Initially, she gave the stuff away, but she soon started selling little jars of her organic eye gel for $3 each. She also created a men’s product called Beard Boost. She named her new business Brow Boost and sold product wherever she could.
When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, she needed to pivot. She re-branded the company name to Tania Speaks Organic Skin Care and moved to an online, direct to consumer model. In just two months, Tania developed three new products: skin cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. All these are organic as well. She’ll tell her inspiring story to the Sharks in episode 1305.
My Take on Tania Speaks Organic Skin Care
I’m not one for skin care products, but my wife and daughter buy all kinds of stuff. Our house has two bathrooms, one for me and one for the girls. There bathroom has so many jars and tubes of skin care products in the cabinets it’s mind boggling. They’d probably like this stuff.
What I like is what Tania stands for. She took a big negative and turned it into a positive. Her pitch to the Sharks promises to be inspiring. Bullies can cause some kids to get depressed and withdraw. Tania made it her source of strength and inspiration. Kudos to her!
Will Sharks Get Some Skin in the Game?
The Sharks will be impressed with this young woman. I don’t know what kind of sales figures she has, but I know she’s a dynamo. At some point in the pitch, Daymond tells her he has no doubt she’ll be sitting where the Sharks are some day. Daymond has a strong history of mentoring young, black entrepreneurs. If he does not make an offer, he’ll surely offer to be a mentor.
As for the other Sharks, there could be some offers because Tania is such a breath of fresh air. Lori has some other interests in make-up, so she’ll likely pass. But Barbara, Mark and Kevin could bid. Mark in particular has a history of making offers to young “super stars,” so I expect him to get in on the bidding. I expect a deal here. When Tania Speaks, the Sharks will listen!

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob Merlino.com and more.
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