Judy Schott and Nita Gassen originally invented The Better Bedder as a device to make bunk beds easier. It really didn’t help, but they discovered it could do a lot of cool things for regular beds – one of the biggies is it holds your sheets in place.
Picture a giant headband that goes around the outside edge of your mattress. It holds your fitted sheet in place so it will never slide off. It alo keeps your flat sheet tucked in tight if you like that. They list dozens of other things it does – among them is The Better Bedder is a great place to stash the remote.
The pair didn’t even know how to sew when they started their business. They went to “Youtube University” to learn. Once they had their prototype right, the ladies sourced manufacturing with a local seamstress who has her team churning out the product as fast as she can. One of these will cost anywhere from $59-$109 depending on the size of your bed. I’m guessing they want a Shark to help amp up production.
My Take on the Better Bedder
One of these could be in our future. The thing about tucking the remote sold me. We have terrazzo floors and the remote constantly falls on it and breaks. We’re on our third remote in our bedroom in three years!
As for the tightly tucked sheets, I’m not a fan. I like to bed able to move my feet out from under the sheets or else I feel too confined. My wife is the exact opposite, so we’ll have to moderate the situation, but I am in.
Will Sharks Get in Bed With This Product?
I am concerned the ladies will hear the “it’s a product, not a business” objection, but they could still get an offer or two. The Sharks will like that the product is patent pending – it shows a certain degree of professionalism. They’ll also like their grass roots marketing. They started going to farmer’s markets and showing the product off. It was also a good way to get feedback from users.
Now, they want to go bigger. They’ve made several quirky videos of one of the woman’s twin sons and their elderly grandma. They’re funny and meant to both sell and entertain. I don’t know if that translates into offers, but we’ll see. The Sharks I see offering are Kevin and Lori. Lori does a lot of deal with Bed Bath and Beyond and this would fit in well there. Kevin will want to blow it up digitally with his email list. I’ll stick with that prediction.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob Merlino.com and more.
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