If you live in an area where coyotes roam and you have a small dog, the Coyote Vest could save your dog’s life. Think of it as body armour for your dog. While it might make your dog look like a cut-rate punk rocker, your dog won’t mind, especially if a coyote attacks. Paul Mott, along with his wife Pamela, came up with the idea after Paul witnessed a coyote kill their small dog at a dog park.
Coyotes are becoming more common in urban and suburban areas as habitats get developed. They prey on anything smaller than them, including domestic dogs and cats. The Coyote Vest is Kevlar and has plastic spikes and bristles embedded in it. This deters a coyote from killing a dog on it’s first attempt at attacking it and allows the dog’s human to intervene. Coyotes are sneaky, but they scare easily. When it attacks and is met with spikes that poke into its mouth and eyes, it gives both dog and human precious time to respond.
So far, the Motts only sell the Coyote Vest in seven small pets shops and on their company website. Reviews from users are unanimously positive. People love their dogs and probably need something like this. The Motts hope a Shark thinks so too when they pitch the product in the season ten finale, episode 1022. Will a Shark want to thwart another predator’s prey?
My Take on The Coyote Vest
Coyote attacks on pets are a real problem. I know several people who lost dogs and cats to coyote attacks. The Coyote Vest is developing a cat version, too. My old dog was a pit bull/german shepherd mix and she was VERY territorial. I saw her chase coyotes out of our yard in Massachusetts on several occasions. Of course, she was bigger (and meaner) than the coyotes, so they weren’t a threat.
My dog Zoey is a seventy pound American Bulldog. She is a very sweet, lovable dog, but if a coyote messed with her, she’d win. In Florida, we have a lot of coyotes. Our community loses a few dogs a year to coyote attacks, so I think the Coyote Vest would sell well here. Now if they could only make an alligator vest!
Do Sharks Wear this Vest?
When the Motts parade some dogs out wearing their Coyote Vests, there’s sure to be some laughter from the Sharks. Once they get into their pitch, they should get some interest. Pet businesses often have a tough time in the Tank and this one could have the same fate.
The Motts probably want some help with manufacturing, which any Shark can help them with. Daymond invested in several pet businesses in the past, but he’s shown reluctance in season ten. The Coyote Vest isn’t proprietary, either. That said, I think the Motts are going to get a deal.
They’ll be willing to give a little more equity since a Shark could help blow this up. The Motts also have a very slick new website up just days before airing. I’m not sure which Shark invests, but my “spidey sense” says they do a deal.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob Merlino.com and more.
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