Kressa Peterson invented the Shower-Toga so she had a discreet way of showering off in a public place. Kressa likes to participate in Mud Runs and other outdoor activities that get you pretty dirty. She didn’t want to mess up her car, so she wanted to shower off before heading home after frolicking in the mud. Unfortunately, most places don’t have shower stalls. A garden hose or a portable shower is probably all that’s available.
As with most successful products, The Shower Toga was a solution to a problem. Think of it as a shower curtain for your body. It’s made out of machine washable, water wicking nylon fabric that wraps around your body and secures with locking cords. There are strategically placed slits that let you put a hose or portable shower head through to wash of private areas of your body. This lets you clean up without making a spectacle of yourself.
The Shower-Toga is popular with the outdoor crowd. Kressa partnered with several event companies that offer Shower Togas as part of their swag package you get with your entry fee. The Kickstarter crowd also liked the product. Kressa raised $14,735 on the crowdfunding platform to produce her first batch of products. While she appears to have good momentum, she probably wants a Shark to help her blow the product up.
My Take on Shower-Toga
I spend a fair amount of time at the beach and always need to rinse off afterwards. The public beaches in my community all have outdoor showers. I still keep my bathing suit on when I use them since they’re open air showers. There are days when I get a lot of sand in “sensitive areas,” so I can see how this would come in handy, especially for women. I can only imagine needing a shower after a “mud run!”
I think Kressa is on to something with this product. I can see parents using this for their kids and themselves. It would be popular in beach communities such as mine. A Shower-Toga will be in my future for sure.
Will Sharks Clean Up with this Product?
I think Kressa is on her way to a deal. She brings a RinseKit into the Tank to demonstrate how the Shower Toga works. RinseKit, if you recall, did a deal with Daymond for their portable shower back in season 8. The Sharks will surely remember the product. The Shower-Toga is a perfect companion product to RinseKit.
The outdoor adventure angle is a good selling point for Kressa too. Both Robert (Adventure Hunt) and Mark (Rugged Maniac) have interests in businesses whose customers directly benefit from this product. Lori invested (and later retracted her investment) in The ShowNo Towel way back in season three. That product let you change pants in public discreetly. Shower-Toga lets you shower AND change.
I’m not sure which Shark invests, but I am betting Shower Toga gets a deal.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
Hi, Just wanted to let you know that you folks posted an incorrect update about our product Shower Toga. We did finalize our deal with Mark Cuban years ago and we are listed on his website. Please update and have a great, and clean, weekend.
Katlyn Hoyer
Shower Toga team
thank you!