Judy Abrahams invented The Super Potty Trainer because her daughter wanted to learn to go potty but was afraid of falling in. Traditional potty training toilet seats are cumbersome and those mini training pottys aren’t much more than a bucket you do your business in. They’re a pain to clean, too. There had to be a better way, so Abrahams invented one.
The Super Potty Trainer is a half-top hat shaped piece of plastic that rests between the toilet bowl and the toilet seat. The part that rests on the bowl has silicon gripping material on it to keep it from slipping. You can move it back as your child grows. This lets your kid gain the confidence of using the “real” potty while training and mom and dad have less clean up to do.
Abrahams invented The Super Potty Trainer back in 2015. She sold 383 of them, then shelved the business for a while. Enter Chris Guerrera, product development specialist. Abrahams met him on social media while seeking advice on how to bring her product. And bring it to market they did! You can find the product in Target, Wal Mart, Amazon and more. They likely want a Shark to help gain broader distribution.
My Take on The Super Potty Trainer
This is a great idea. Its simplicity is what makes it so cool. Unlike EZ Pee Z, a failed product from season 7, The Super Potty Trainer has no moving parts. It won’t need cleaning after every use either.
When my kids were little, we had both the training seat that went on the toilet and the mini potty/bucket trainer. Both were nasty. The first time my oldest daughter tried using the toilet without the trainer, she took an unexpected bath! I would buy this if I had little kids. I am in.
Will Sharks Think This is Super?
Lori does a deal with The super Potty Trainer. Guerrera already knows her. He’s worked with Scrub Daddy, Squatty Potty and other Lori Companies as a consultant. She likely asked them to come on the Tank for publicity.
All the Sharks are co-producers of the show and can recruit “contestants” to appear. It’s happened before. Why wouldn’t the Sharks want to promote a business they’re investing in? It may be a little disingenuous, but remember: reality TV is 90% TV and 10% reality!

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob Merlino.com and more.
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