Adam Shepley invented The Toilet Timer because his wife, Kate, and his kids accused him of “poo-crastination.” Adam would sit on the throne, doing his business, while looking at his phone while the rest of the family wanted his attention. In the search for a solution to this problem, he printed the first Toilet Timer on a 3D printer and the rest is history. Adam is a lifelong tinkerer and inventor.
He learned 3D drafting and printing at a young age and it’s become a bit of an avocation for him. He started his company, Katamco, to be a launching pad for his ideas. Th Toilet Timer was the first. Essentially, the product is a sand timer. Instead of the standard hourglass design, the top portion of the timer is a man’s stomach. The bottom portion is a toilet. When the sand runs from the stomach to the toilet (5 minutes), it’s time to get off the pot!
After making the first prototype, Adam agonized about producing and selling it. In August, 2017, he raised $23,868 on Kickstarter and Toilet Timer was officially a product. Since then, he wrote a book called When Dad Goes Poo which is full of “poems to provoke poo-crastinators.” He’s selling product and probably has other ideas in the pipeline, hence the Katamco umbrella company. When he and his wife Kate pitch the product on the Shark Tank Holiday Special, they hope a Shark won’t “poo-crastinate” and invest.
My Take on The Toilet Timer
This is a total gag gift. I can see my kids getting one for me just to bust my chops. At $15 a pop, it won’t break the bank and it’s good for a laugh. Lord knows we need a good laugh this year! This will make a great stocking stuffer or Father’s Day gift for the dad in your life. It might even get him off the pot quicker!
Will Sharks get off the pot and Invest?
I’m betting the margins are really good on this product, so there will be plenty of room for a Shark to get some money back if sales are good. Mark could bid just as a lark. Mr. Wonderful will likely give Adam and Kate what they ask for plus some sort of royalty. Barbara will probably call it a “tchotchke” and take a pass. Lori may bid and try to market it alongside Squatty Potty. Daymond could bid just to mess with Kevin.
All in all, I expect The Toilet Timer to get a deal with a Shark. The question is, which one?

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
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