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Travis Perry ChordBuddy

ChordBuddy Guitar Lessons

Chord Buddy Entrepreneur Travis Perry developed a system will teach anyone how to play a guitar in two months with his guitar learning system. You don’t need a teacher, just a guitar, the Chord Buddy, DVD player and the lesson book. Travis pitches his product on the next episode of Shark Tank to the Angel Investors.

The base kit comes with the ChordBuddy, Instruction book, DVD, a 2 month lesson plan and a song book with over 100 songs. He also sells inexpensive guitars with the Chord Buddy package.  The complete package with guitar is less than two hundred dollars which is quite affordable, but I’m not sure bundling the package with such a cheap guitar is a good idea and it could keep quality guitar manufacturers from recommending the Chord Buddy system.

On the surface, I think he’s got a great product. Does it work and does he have the testimonials? We shall see. Does it sell, and how many orders has he taken? I would think his product could command a higher price and may even be under-priced if you consider the cost of lessons.

What would happen to his profit margin if he raised the price? He might find that he sells more products on top of making more on each unit sold. Entrepreneurs often price their goods and services to low, thinking the market won’t demand a higher price which makes consumers think the product is not a quality product. A higher price may command more respect and get the margins that would interest an investor like The Sharks.

Travis has a great looking website for his Chord Buddy product, but I’m not sure that it will survive during the airing of the show. The web hosting performance lags with no load on the servers. I hope that he has the allotted bandwidth to handle the traffic he should see when Shark Tank airs.  Travis, if you read this look into making sure your website is ready to go with the bandwidth you’re going to need.


  1. Interesting product as I have been trying on and off for years to find both the time and a good teacher, i do agree with you why include a cheap guitar…. sorry but they sound like shit if my first guitar sounded like shit i would not have the motivation to keep up the lessions.

  2. John Evans says

    Chordbuddy – fascinating – plans for the UK / Europe? I’d be interested in discussing.

    Cheers John

  3. Jason Flaugh says

    I am surprised no one else thought of this before. Interesting idea. Thank you for sharing.

  4. last baby boomer says

    If you include a cheap guitar then this is not a teaching tool it is a game.

    Let me know if you have any interest in China

    • I think that marketing it to “Guitar Hero” players is a great strategy!. Kids spend so much time and energy on games – they might as well apply essentialy the same technique to Chrod Buddy and actually learn how to play songs on a guitar. They have basically created a new 4 button musical instrument for the gamer generation. I hope it works out and has some benefit.

  5. Ramesh Shankerlal says

    Great Product Kirk….Thanks

  6. Interesting – It looks like it has a lot of potential.

  7. I always interested in learning how to play guitar. The problem is I have a busy schedule and don’t have time to attend a scheduled lesson. Maybe this DVD is a solution. I’ll give it a try. Thanks for sharing.

  8. It looks pretty awesome though I am so musically challenged that I doubt it could help me lol.

  9. Hey! Cool! So glad I saw this. 4 of our boys want to learn and this could save a fortune in lessons!

    Sharon from Ea

  10. Anne Thomas says

    Years ago as a teenage I tried learning the guitar, would have loved this product

  11. Samuel Schmid says

    Good idea. That will give any newbie a point of view how to play the guitar and it will strenghten the fingers too, I bet?

  12. Great idea! They should send you a 1 minute video explaining what they did and what they are going to do with their business. That enough to see if the product has a market and if this is the perfect entrepreneur to run that business. Then we could vote on it and see few month later if we were right 🙂

  13. Elza van Swieten says

    Great idea!

  14. We have worked with Rackspace on the lag issue and optimized about as much as possible without it breaking. Actually, we optimized it until it broke, then backed off a bit. Rackspace has been notified of the expected traffic. I have spoken to them on the phone several times over the past few days but essentially, if 50,000 people try to get on the site at once it’s going to be slow.

    Most of the slowness is being caused by our shopping cart plugin: WP E-commerce, which I have sworn to never use again. Too late to change anything now. Thanks for the writeup, BTW!

  15. I have been looking at the Chord Buddy for a while and tried to buy it on the website during the show since it was discounted. I could not get the shopping cart to work. I live in Dothan so I will probably just pick it up for my daughter’s birthday later this month at Latta Music where she takes piano lessons. I’m sure they missed lots of orders that night because of the website malfunction. But hopefully it will not make a difference now that they’ve got the national exposure. I think it’s great that they are keeping jobs in USA and I’m proud to support an American business. I put it on my facebook page which is a great way to support the economy. Glad they went with Robert – since he seems the smallest ego ( at least on tv ). Wish you luck! P.S. Do you think I’ll get a refund if it doesn’t help me pick up chicks like Travis claimed on the show?

  16. I am from Dothan Alabama and know Travis. He is a stand up guy. what you saw on the TV is what you get. He has a dream and I believe is going to make it. He has a couple of my friends working over there with him and everything you saw is true. the thing WORKS. I heard that their website crashed due to the unbelievable response to the ChordBuddy. I would be willing to bet that this product will wind up being either number 1 or in the top 5 out of everything that SharkTank works with. it is that good. Like I said I know and have known the guy for over 20 years. He is the guy every body hears about, the guy who was smart enough to have a great idea and dumb enough to keep with it when everybody else was sayin” that thing will never work”. IT WORKS and everybody involved better hang on for the ride.

    • Gene,
      Thank you for your post. I’ve been doing start-ups for over thirty years and have seen quite a few characters. When I watched his presentation I witnessed everything that you say. I know he’s a stand-up guy that will do everything and then some to find success. I also think that he’s got a fantastic partner in Robert Herjavec.


  17. I got billed for two, recevied both on different days, and only ordered one. Tried calling the number, someone took my information/message and would give to the billing department for a call back. Nothing heard yet. What do i do?

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