Wake n Bacon is the world’s only alarm clock that wakes you up with the smell of this breakfast treat- because the clock cooks your food as it wakes you. As the old saying goes, “everything is better with bacon,” unless you’re a Shark Tank investor. Wake-n-Bacon inventor Matty Sallin sought a $40,000 investment for 20% of his company in Shark Tank season 2, but none of the Sharks bit.
Kevin O’Leary expressed concerns over having an oven in the bed room and, even though I LOVE bacon, I have to agree with him. There are lots of things I love that I don’t bring into my bedroom, cooking appliances are one of them. I haven’t had any sort of cooking implements in the boudoir since I had a hot plate in my college dorm room.
The Wake n Bacon has a lot of fans, at least in theory. Lots of people profess to wanting one- it would be an interesting novelty item to be sure- but it doesn’t appear the interest has translated into many sales. The Facebook page has a few dozen inquiries from potential customers, but it hasn’t been updated by its owners since 2009. There is no purchase mechanism on the very spartan website either. I am wondering if they are even producing the product at all.
Bacon is having a bit of a renaissance these days with flavored products and themed food trucks and restaurants popping up, so maybe the re-run of this episode is pandering to that food craze. While I could see many people buying this product as a novelty or a gag gift, I don’t see any real mass appeal, so I see why the Sharks were “out.”
What do you think? Would you or anyone you know want an alarm clock like this one? If you missed the original episode you can catch it again this week.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob Merlino.com and more.
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