Zip String entrepreneurs Stephen Fazio and Austin Hillam barely knew each other when they went into business together. The two were introduced over dinner with some missionaries and their bishop during a break from their respective colleges. After dinner, Fazio showed Hillam his invention and they started collaborating on perfecting it. They moved into Hillam’s family’s basement where they do all their R&D, packing and shipping. Hillam’s father, Mark, helped them out too.
In August, 2021, they posted a video of the invention on Tik Tok and it went viral, garnering over 20 million views. They went back to college in the fall of 2021 only to opt out to focus on their invention 100%. In October, 2021, they did a Kickstarter and crushed it. Orders were fulfilled by February, 2022 and now they’re available for sale on their website.
Zip String comes in five colors and cost $24.99 each. They come with three different sizes of string loops for varying degrees of difficulty. Their website explains it better than I can: “The patent pending Zip String carefully balances several forces of gravity, lift, tension, and drag to fly the string in the air. Any movement that a Zipster (a user of a Zip String) does, the string follows.” They likely want a Shark to help with their exponential growth and with patent infringement. The knock-offs are all over Amazon and other sites.
My Take on Zip String
The first thing I thought of when I saw this product was Silly String. I used to LOVE Silly String, but the only problem is, once the can is empty, the fun is over. It also makes a big mess. The Zip String looks like loads of fun and it can do things Silly String can’t. You don’t even have to worry about batteries since a rechargeable battery is built into the device.
Do Sharks String Up a Deal?
If Lori doesn’t make an offer on this I’ll be very surprised. This could even earn her “Golden Ticket.” It appeals to everyone, it’s moderately priced and it’s easily demonstrated. If this isn’t a “hero” for Lori, I don’t know what is. Mark might say “it’s a product, not a company,” but he LOVES viral products.
Mr. Wonderful will undoubtedly have some kind of royalty offer. Even Robert and Barbara could make offers. I’m predicting a Shark fight on this one with Lori winning the deal.

Entrepreneur, auteur, raconteur. Rob Merlino is a blogger and writer who enjoys the Shark Tank TV show and Hot Dogs. A father of five who freelances in a variety of publications, Rob has a stable of websites including Shark Tank Blog, Hot Dog Stories, Rob and more.
where can i get this bu christmas?
I just watched the episode for Zip String. They did not address a possible safety issue that I am wondering about. If older kids might be playing with this item around younger children, could there be the possibility of the string wrapping around a neck causing a choking or strangling hazard? It would be a sad situation. Did anyone else question this?
where is my order? I ordered on on
DECEMBER 9,2022 said about 4-5 days shipping should of recieved by now!!!!!
where is my order? I ordered on on
DECEMBER 9,2022 said about 4-5 days shipping should of recieved by now!!!!! I would like an ANSWER!!!!!!!!
Me too! Now they told the recipient I sent it to for $3 to send it to their address. I’m so disgusted. I bought 2 and now after paying for it and shipping and processing they’re asking for more money!!!??? There’s not even a customer service number! I’m so close to suing this company. It’s a scam! DO NOT ORDER THIS! There’s no number, and they will never respond to an email. I’m out over $64.00 and zero information.
I placed my order on December 9 and they said it was being prepared to ship on the 15th but there’s still no more info! And I’ve emailed them twice with no response! Bad customer service!
Where is order..??very is a Christmas gift ordered 12-9..